
Its DAMN Hard

 As I told you guys, I am trying to be on a positive path dealing with my mental state or if I haven't told you guys, I'm telling you now (lol). Anyways, I am trying to develop this blissful nature journey everyday, but of course non pleasant and rude folks try to tear you down and its DAMN hard to fight them off, but you know what, I'm STILL HERE and I'm not going to let those motherfuckers win. Those motherfuckers crawl under my skin but at the end of the day, they aren't going to win, they think they are winning but in the midst of their thinkable winnings, they are losing because they are lost in the sauce. In other words, they don't have any purpose in their lives. Since they don't have any purpose in their lives, they want to puncture and wound me and their ultimate goal is to beat me down to their level and they want me to feel what they feel which is emptiness but it's not going to happen. I've been through that dark place in my life, and I d


I want to say as a nation we are doing better than ever in regards of fighting for equality and injustices but that would be a bold face lie. I'm not just talking about the figure heads who are leading equality movements, I'm also talking about ME and YOU, day to day contact with one another. I think we as people need to act cordial or more than cordial to people in social settings .  We definitely made efforts to fight for equality and injustices and I'm not going to discredit those efforts but how many times are we going to overcome? Dr. Reverand Martin Luther King Jr's birthday was last week and his goal was simple, FIGHT FOR EQUALITY and END DISCRIMINATION for all people. Well, if the Reverand was living today, I think he would be very distraught and disturbed at the fact that his work didn't mean a DAMN thing during the Civil Rights Movement. But, I think he would still fight for equality and try to end discrimination until the blood runs out of his body. W

Life is a roller coaster/Happy New Year

 I know I'm thirteen days in the New Year but for me and for people near and far for the New Year, I want us to be wholehearted spiritually, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I know that's a large wish because life can be very grand, but life also can be very troublesome . In other words, life can be a roller coaster filled with negatives and positives, ups and downs; negative forces/people trying to tear you down but at the end of the day, I guess we all have to find a way to better ourselves in moments of uncertainty and guide thru life as blissfully as we know how whether that guide is ourselves, a licensed professional. or loved ones. As I'm writing this, I'm thinking to myself that I might just try to focus on myself being wholehearted this year because a lot of people around the globe aren't on the same wavelength as me. As of late, I've been going to therapy and since I'm going to therapy, I would say I want to be on a positive and fruitful

Doubt Kills

      For the longest time, I had doubt in mind, specifically self-doubt. I was unsure of myself and that caused me to question myself multiple times, like am I good enough and could I achieve little to big accomplishments! Like I said before in previous posts, overcoming obstacles like low self-esteem and low confidence didn't come overnight. Overcoming these obstacles took years to manage and I had to do a lot of inner healing and reflecting within myself and thru and to God. Don't get me wrong, from time to time, I still have doubt but now I can handle or manage it better than before.     You may ask yourself why I'm telling you all of this? The answer is simple, because having doubt is normal but don't let doubt consume your life and then life passes you by because you are afraid of the next step or anything that will prevent you accomplishing what you set out to accomplish. The phrase Denzel Washington said in the Equalizer is spot on. He said doubt kills and that


 As all of us know is that Thanksgiving was last week in the United States. As I gathered around my family for prayer at my grandmother's house, I was reflecting on my grandfather not being there and of course I was sad but, then I was also reflecting on how blessed I am and how my family is blessed.   One of the many missions that my grandfather was passionate about was helping the less fortunate. My grandfather always told me to give (monetary) to the less fortunate and don't worry what they do with the money, that's not our business, as long as we give. So, I'm THANKFUL that he instilled that in me in his later years when he was still alive. I'm THANKFUL for my dad's and mom's side of the family even though we bicker and fight but at the end of the day, we are STILL FAMILY.  I'm THANKFUL that God wakes me up every morning even though I don't deserve it since I'm a FILTHY MOTHERFUCKER!! On a personal level, I'm THANKFUL for my disability, t

Family (La Familia) Over Everything

 A month ago, my family celebrated my mother's birthday and retirement for three days. My mom's birthday is October 1st and she retired from being an educator last summer. We would've celebrated last year but sad to say, my grandfather passed away and for a few months then, we were in mourning so that wouldn't be the right time to celebrate.      My mother is my mother, she's strict but fair. Sometimes I didn't agree what she did, but I love her so much!   She taught in Prospect Elementary School in East Cleveland, Ohio for many years. I believe she taught all of the grades. Then an opportunity opened up at Cleveland School of the Arts, the lower campus as an assistant principal. She stayed in that position for a few years and then another opportunity opened up and she became principal at the same school. What my mother taught me was HAVE FAITH, STAY THE COURSE, WORK HARD and NEVER GIVE UP. Alot of times, I just watch her actions and it's no need for verbal

Everybody has demons

  Everybody has demons or everybody has struggles, whatever you want to phrase it, but the bottom line is everyone has something or multiple things that they are going through. Last weekend at the movies, I saw A Haunting In Venice and the character playing the retired detective said something related to ghosts haunting people and revealing their secrets at the end of the movie and that statement stuck with me. Maybe I wrote a similar post like this but who cares, I'LL DO IT AGAIN!! Anyways, conjuring up demons might be easy, but it might not be so easy to stop the demons circling inside of people. People might not want those demons to stop growing inside of them either, those demons can create erosion over time if that's the case!!   I think I have demons in my life, but I also have angels in my life and those angels pour more into me than the demons do, thank God for that!! I have devilish tendencies, of course but since I want to gain a peaceful and graceful version of