Truthfulness and Rawness

The reason I write on my blog is to inspire people through my experiences and hopefully they will gain some perspective from my experiences and live the best life they possibly can. I wouldn't  of thought of this blog if it wasn't for my one of my former communications Professor, Mr. Sheridan. I was in a New Media class and for an assignment we had to create a blog with whatever content we wanted. When the year was over, he said we could continue with our blogs or just delete them.  Obviously, I chose to keep my blog and continue writing. Maybe, I wouldn't of thought of writing a blog back then but maybe eventually. I'm glad that I stayed with it because I can create content that inspires me and at the same I inspire other people. In every post that I write about, I give you the honest and raw truth about myself and other experiences that I go through. If I'm not exploiting my true self to you guys, I don't want to exploit myself at all. I guess it's a form of vulnerability with posting the content that I post because the post about me talking about the four letter word- Love, I was really pouring my heart and soul into that post. Me pouring my heart and soul out to you guys is totally fine with me. If I didn't pour my soul and heart into these posts, that's when you should be worried!! It's not all about me, it's about you guys, the readers. I choose to write what I write because people can be inspired. Inspiration can go along way. You can have a dark cloud over your head and you can hear, see or read something that really ignites the fire within you. People might not know the fire is within them until they hear, see or read something inspirational and I want people to read my content to be inspired. A lot of people don't comment on my posts and that is fine with me. Don't get me wrong, I want more people to comment on my posts but even though they aren't commenting that doesn't mean they aren't reading and applying what I write to their daily lives. I want to give you a couple of people that inspired me within a couple days. The first person that inspired me was a guy named Markiplier. This was my first time viewing him on YouTube. The titles of the YouTube videos that I watched of him were called I Feel Lost. They were very good!! I watched part 1 and part 2. The other person that inspired me was Big Sean. On The Breakfast Club power 105.1 he was talking about his latest album, I decided. He was going through the meanings of songs and the album title. These two guys poured their heart and soul out to their viewers and listeners. This is the type of truthfulness and rawness I like, to open up in a vulnerable position to help others. If you guys have the ability to help others, please do. You might be in a vulnerable position or not, regardless just inspire others and don't forget to be inspired yourselves.


Big Sean's Breakfast Club Interview-


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