Stay the course
For the past couple months, I have been experiencing a sense of crossroads in my life. Even though I haven't lived All of my life, it seemed like I was cycling through this constant of uncertainty. I wouldn't call it a midlife crisis, I would say it a younglife crises (lol). Even though that joke was funny in my opinion, I'm being serious!! For example, I really like my job currently, but I've been there for two years and I want a challenge, a challenge that will be more financially sound. I know money isn't everything but here are the facts: I'm a thirty-year-old man and I want my life to be secured financially when I want to retire.
So, I prayed and I'm continuing to pray and its getting better. In my earlier posts, I said praying centers me and gives me a fresh perspective and praying still gives me that sense of secureness that the Lord has me. I have to stay the course because if I don't stay the course I will keep cycling that uncertainty. Sometimes uncertainty is good, the unknown can be mysterious and good but, in my situation, uncertainty isn't good.
P.S- Thank you Nakisha Starks (my big sis) for the staying the course idea
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