Dressing inappropriately

I had a problem with kids dressing inappropriately for along time. For example, I was at my cousin's sweet sixteen party tonight. Everybody had to dress formal. Most of the people dressed formally. Some girls who dressed formally looked nice but there skirts were too short, too tight or the slit of the skirt was too short. Some girls actually dressed too grown in my opinion. I'm just wondering why the parents don't intervene. A second thought would be that the parents are at work and can't monitor their daughter's clothing decisions or they flat out just don't care. Wearing all of that revealing and so called sexy clothing can be confusing to an older gentlemen. I know this is just a sweet sixteen party but  I'm talking about overall too. Some girls can be sixteen or seventeen years old  and dress like they are twenty four or twenty five years old. Why can't some girls dress their age? I don't understand why some girls want to be grown so fast. Be your age and live your life.  Some girls at this party and in general are beautiful so they don't need to do anything extra!!  


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