God Heals All Things

Ever since I've broken my fibula some people have been saying may you have a speedy covery and I know those certain people don't mean any harm, they care about me!! But at the same time, God will work it out on His own time. God is healing my broken ankle as I write this post. It's not on my timing, it's definitely on His timing. When it comes to me I want to handle everything by myself and I know I can't so I just need to cast my worries and troubles upon God and let Him handle it all. This is not only about my broken ankle, it can be concerned with anything.  God is a part of my life and I will always go to him for advice. It's been always hard for me to ask for help and advice. But people need help always, we can't do it all by ourselves!! Have faith in God, Confucius, Dao, Buddha or anyone you believe in. Ask for spiritual guidance.  


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