
Showing posts from 2019

God gave me eyes

God Gave Me Eyes f or me to see and I plan on doing that. This post is going to make a lot of people mad I believe and I'm ok with it because this is my opinion. I see people everyday and this post pertains to most women. I was in Florida for Christmas and I was at one of the casinos and most of the women there were wearing seductive and revealing clothing. Don't get me wrong, I Love women who wear seductive and revealing clothing. I'm just saying that if you catch me looking, don't just attack ME , attack Yourself too because that woman who's wearing that type of clothing is wearing that type of clothing, NO MAN IS WEARING THAT CLOTHING!!. That skirt or dress that particular woman is wearing is dangerous to a man's eye. I Respect women and I will Continue to Respect women but shit, Let me Talk!! Where men get in trouble is when they start touching on the women who wear these seductive and revealing clothing without their consent. At ...


One of my nieces graduated from college this past Thursday.  She graduated with the  BLACK graduation group instead of  the Whole graduation class. Regardless of what type of graduation she participated in, I am so very proud of her. I understand the BLACK UNITY when it deals with the Black graduation . It takes a village to raise a child and a BLACK FAMILY is MORE POWERFUL WHEN THEY ARE ONE RATHER THAN IF THE FAMILY IS SEPERATE. I'm not saying that when some of the BLACK FAMILY MEMBERS aren't present, other members of that BLACK FAMILY can't be successful in life, they can still become successful. I guess it's all about the present and future mindset. What I mean by this is are You going to let that situation(s) deter You from being successful? The mindset comes in if You let that situation mess with your mindset presently or in the future. Anyways where was I? Oh I also want to say that the president of t...

The Next Level

I would consider me as an artist. I am a creative genius and I don't say this to be cocky or say this because I think I am above anyone else. I like poetry and I'm getting Better and Better in my opinion. I am learning by reading other poets such as Amanda Bradley's Queen Kong and Khalid Gibran's The Prophet. I want to explore other poets because I want to learn how other poets form their words to tell a story. I AM GOING TO BE ME THROUGH MY POETIC JORUNEY!! I released two poetry books and they are on EBay. I want to become Next Level which means in my own definition to become Better than before. In other words, it's all about Elevating my poetry game. Any artist who would like to support another artist PLEASE DO SO!!

The destination can be equally as great as the journey

In the same month, I went to the movies to see  Peanut Butter Falcon  starring Shia LaBeouf and Queen and Slim starring Daniel Kaluuya. Both were brilliant movies with great messages. I'm going to explore these messages with you. I want to start off with Queen and Slim   and then with Peanut Butter Falcon. Queen and Slim  is a brilliant movie. The movie is edgy, passionate and heart warming. For the people who haven't watched the movie, I am sorry, I'm going to spoil one scene. This one scene is with Daniel and Jodie Turner Smith laying in bed at Jodie's uncle house running from the law and Daniel is staring at the ceiling and he looked like he was going to cry (to me) and Jodie asked Daniel "are you ok"? Daniel replied "yes" but Jodie knew what was up. Daniel said " I say it so often, I actually believe it." This can be associated with mental health. A lot of times we as individuals bottle shit up and never express ourselv...


Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone!!  I hope everyone had a safe, filling and fun holiday. Every Thanksgiving my sister and I go to my grandparents house and before we dig into the delicious food, my grandfather leads us in prayer. Before we prayed that day, we each took turns around a circle saying what everybody was Thankful for and when it was my turn I said I'm Thankful because when I don't like what I see in myself, I try to change whatever is wrong to the best of my ability. Sometimes when I try to change, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I have a good conscious and that's a good thing. When I do wrong, I admit the mistakes that I had or have made. But when the other party or other parties involved deny their mistakes towards You , it's hard for You to become the bigger person. I'm Thankful to God because I'm able to Grow from this current situation. . In Any situation become the Bigger person becau...

Seeking out the prey

A few weeks ago on a Friday night, I watched a movie entitled Sold starring David Arquette. This movie is about an Indian girl who lives in a village in India and wants to provide for her family. One day she was at a party with her family in the city. A lady approached the little girl and she persuaded her to work with her. The lady said she could earn money to support her family and so much more!! She was oblivious on what she was getting into. She just wanted to feed her family and I understand that. Her family lived in a village in India with a leaky roof so money was so essential to them but what will you do for money?  That's the bottom line but I guess I have to think about the trickery and deceitfulness that other people try to upload onto other people. When I was visiting India with my cousin, my cousin's company had a personal van and when we got back to the hotel each time, the security personnel had some metal wands and they h...

Kneeling in the NFL

Some football players in the NFL started  kneeling in the first place because in this nation, there has been Some  corrupt police officers that have been enforcing their power way too much against African Americans, especially African American youth and this leads to death more often than not. Colin Kapernick started the kneeling process and he got fired from the NFL because the NFL didn't like how he and is approaching this issue. Eric Reid, a football player in the NFL is Colin Kapernick's friend and he is fighting for the good fight as well but Eric was out of a job for some time too. He just got back on the field with the Carolina Panthers not too long ago. I know change doesn't happen overnight but since Eric Reid got signed to an NFL team, aren't they heading in the right direction? Isn't this what Colin wanted?   I'm pretty sure that Colin wants Some corrupt cops to stop killing our brothers and sisters too. I don't know all of the fa...


Hierarchy is not the problem but the problem is that some people abuse their power that he or she is given to the fullest extent. These abusive people want to pick on the people who think are weak but they don't know WE ALL ARE STRONG IN OUR INDIVIDUAL WAYS . We have to be STRONG against our enemies because our enemies smell fear. Maybe our enemies are in fear themselves and they try to inflict their fear on us and eventually they want us to be like them. On the other hand, the Bible (whoever believes in the book) says we should pray for our enemies. Everybody needs Love and I understand completely and what if those people who abuse their power need loving themselves. I don't know, it can be a lot of reasons why some people abuse their power more than others. But those people who abuse others can be demoted anytime. A  title is a title and it can be stripped away at anytime. DON'T LET OTHER PEOPLE TRY TO ABUSE YOU IN YOUR SOCIAL OR WORK LIFE BUT AT THE SAME T...


I don't have everything together, yes I'll admit BIG TYME Noldon doesn't have his shit together sometimes and that's ok. When I was growing up I wanted to dream BIG . Being small minded was and it's still not my goal or mission in life. I think BIG TYME , not little tyme. One of Rick Ross's latest songs is called BIG TYME ft. Swizz Beatz and this is how I got the inspiration to write this post. By the way, the song is STRAIGHT FIRE !!!!!  Anyways,  BIG TYME should be a mindset, to do better, think better and be better. This is what I think, You can think for yourself!!!  I don't have ordinary dreams, I have BIG TYME dreams. NO LITTLE TYME SHIT, I don't have time for that!! I don't know what You are going to do but I'm going to dream  BIG TYME dreams forever and then I'm going to turn those BIG TYME dreams into a BIG TYME  reality.


On Easter of last year, my mothers side of family gathered over my grandparents house. Before we ate, we prayed but before we prayed, my grandfather said that Jesus offered HOSPITALITY  to everyone, especially the ones who are less fortunate. My grandfather said next year on Easter, we should bring at least one person who doesn't have anywhere to go.  This weekend I hosted my friend and his fiancée over to my apartment. In regards to HOSPITALITY , I want to say my saying is WHAT'S MINE IS YOURS. I know it's 2019 and a lot people can't be trusted but that doesn't matter to me. It matters to me but if you need to stay with me, COME ON and GET SOME SLEEP/HANG OUT  or if you need something, I'll give it to you ( within my means & if I have it).  I believe that HOSPITALITY  is what you make it. For example, I don't think  HOSPITALITY is Only about offering your home to someone. It also can mean how you treat people and how you greet others...

The definition of beauty

There are so many definitions of beauty that people can come up. I have my own definition but  I have to acknowledge that there is inner and outer beauty. My definition of beauty is interior and exterior looks and feelings that you feel about yourself and maybe others. My definition of beauty involves self-esteem too. I know inner beauty is important, well it's important to me but outer beauty doesn't hurt. Outer beauty involves someone's looks. . My only problem with outer beauty is that a lot of people get so consumed about maintaining or trying to keep up their outer beauty or someone else's beauty, they don't deal with their inner beauty and maybe they have self-esteem issues along the way. When looking at young ladies, their outer beauty is very impressive but I wonder if their inner beauty ( personality and what type of heart they have) is true and not fake. I work in a restaurant so I see young ladies come and go and I talk to some of them, small talk but...

Social Experiences

When I started college I was nervous because I was shy and insecure. Don't get me wrong, I'm still insecure about somethings but I guess I can openly express my insecurities now instead of bottling them up when I way younger. Anyways, when I started college I wanted to interact with people. I had a roommate my freshman year and we played UFC on X-Box. We played the game a few times and it was a fun bonding experience. One day I was in English class and we had an assignment to do on the computer. The assignment wasn't graded but if we did the assignment we would get a check mark by our name. This kid who is my friend now came over to me and told me that he wasn't going to do the assignment because it was stupid. Well I told him "you should do it because it's worth points". We remain friends till this day. I had so many Social Experiences in college, I just wanted to name a few of my Social Experiences . I have Social Experiences til this day and I vow...

Being A O.G.

The word O.G. stands for original gangster and in my opinion I would change the meaning of the term to mean original gentleman. Gangsters got shot back then and wanna be gangsters get shot now. Some wanna be gangsters want to be cool but they can be cool with the term original gentleman. I'm not discrediting any people that coined this term but this is what I feel is needed in this society and for our individual selves. The original gentleman will be a gentleman of course but with that being said the gentleman is human too. He makes mistakes but he admits them in classy ways. Also, he does want he is passionate about . I would be highly scrutinized if I didn't bring women into this conversation so I think it would be proper to call women the original woman or the original lady. They will have the same qualities as the original gentleman but of course the original woman or lady will have a different anatomy. The...

Be Sexy!!

Everybody can be Sexy, i ts just about being self confident and be true to Yourself.   I'm not only talking about physical appearance, it is also about what You feel inside. I didn't feel sexy earlier in life but now I do because I am confident and I am staying true to myself. I'm pretty sure I was sexy earlier in life but I didn't know how to channel that sexiness. Since being   sexy i s inner in my opinion, this might be a mental health issue. I know this be a big stretch but it's all about being self aware about your state of mind and state of being . Be Sexy is accepting You for You and not giving a shit about what other people say or do. You do You and don't lose that sexiness!!

Don't be content

Earlier this week, the general manager of the establishment that I work at had an employee meeting and the general manager had many points but one of the points that he made grasped my attention. The establishment and for his own personal development, he doesn't want to be content on what's good now. He wants the establishment and himself to grow, he doesn't want good enough. I can relate to this in my life.  I recently published a poem book entitled Stories of An Emotional Man a nd it's my first book. The book is not perfect but it's a body of art. My next project of the same medium will be bigger and better. My definitions of Don't be content i s to never relax in the particular moment ( enjoy the moment but keep evolving), strive for better and personal growth . You m ight have your own definitions of Don't be content.  DON'T BE CONTENT, DON'T BE CONTENT, DON'T BE CONTENT, DON'T BE CONTENT!!

There are other fish in the sea

When a girl didn't like me in the boyfriend and girlfriend kinda way, m y parents told me that there are other fish in the sea but I didn't like that saying when I was younger and I still don't like the saying. I don't like that saying because I was focusing on one girl and to me, the other girls didn't matter at the current moment or those moments. I still looked at other girls but at the same time, I was thinking of that one girl and she was on my mind everyday. It just happened like that. It might seem crazy to you guys but it's the truth. I know I wear my heart on my sleeve and that's ok with me. Wearing my heart on my sleeve can come with advantages and disadvantages I guess but I don't think I would want it any other way. I have my heart in my body and also on my sleeve. I'm interesting and one of a kind. I will always have my heart in different areas in my life and different places on/in my body. Have a heart always!!


When I say I love you I mean that shit!! There are different kinds of love: 1.  Eros- represents the idea of sexual passion and desire, 2. Philia- involves friendship,  3. Storge- involves family and familiarity, 4. Ludus- involves the early stage of love, 5. Mania- being in love obsessively ( think about any lifetime movie lol), 6.  Pragma- Love that keeps going, 7. Philautia- Caring for others type of love, and  8. Agape- Unconditional love (you don't expect anything in return). I think I have a little bit of these different kinds of love within me. Some people might show love differently than others. When I was in college, my friend always told me that his family doesn't care about him and I always told him that his family does care for him. They might show love in a different way but love is definitely there. Maybe when some  people can't express love in a natural way, they weren't loved themselves when they were younger. The keyword is m...

Accepting people for who they are

I would say I'm not a judgmental person. Be Who You Are and that should be accepted by a ll people but it's not. I don't why, maybe some people were raised to not accept other people for who they are. Maybe it's because some people went through certain situations that made them scared and that made them not accept other people for who they are. There might be a million reasons why some people don't accept people for who they are. I might never know. But all I know is that I'm going to keep accepting people for who they are. By Accepting People Who They Are also means accepting their flaws and/or imperfections. Also, it means forgiving people's past or present mistakes. The first group/community that came to mind when I was going to write this post is the LGBTQIA. I don't know all of the facts and news about this group/community but people who are in this group/community just want to live their lives like everybody else so FUCK those n...

Everyone doesn't have a disability

Some people say everyone has a disability and I know they don't mean any harm but those words make me cringe. I would agree all people struggle with something but that doesn't mean they actually have a disability. I have a disability called Joubert Syndrome, it's a neurological disorder that affects my coordination, balance and speech. I don't like when some people play with certain conditions and they don't even have the condition. For example, when somebody says they have OCD and they actually don't and they play with that. A lot of people do have OCD, a real diagnosis with doctors giving them meds to treat the OCD. In my opinion, I think it's a slap in the face for the people who have the real diagnosis. I don't understand how some people can joke about this!! I know some people will continue to joke about this and it's truly sad but I just wanted to speak on it.


Every time I write on my blog and write poetry, it helps me to express myself of course but it soothes me also. The point of this blog is to help others and I didn't realize this blog is helping me out also.  I'm not a therapist by all means but hopefully what I went through and what I'm going through presently will help people out. This makes me joyful and I will continue to do what makes me joyful. Do what makes you joyful even if people don't understand it or won't understand it!! People will persecute you for doing You and I say, keep doing You and You will prevail . Have a joyous occasion everyday. What is your therapy?

Keep Fighting

 Keep fighting . The days will become clearer each day.   Keep fighting because you will receive the glory when you keep fighting . Keep fighting, keep fighting, keep fighting!! I know it's hard but it will get better.  I wanted to give up the fight along time ago but that's when God came into a dream of mine and He reached out His hand after I fell, He helped me up and said don't worry, it will get better!! Then eventually it did. My life wasn't picture perfect then and today my life isn't perfect picture but I thank God for this life. Even though I stumble and fall, I get up and dust myself off. I keep fighting and that is the key. Sometimes when I get low, that dream that I dreamed about gets me high. Also, the experiences that I encounter and the experiences I will be encountering makes me look forward to the next day. Whatever You are going through, destroy that negative shit!! May God bless You all!!

I want to start a family one day

I watched Instant Family s tarring Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne and it touched my heart. I'm not going to start a family anytime soon but when I do it's going to be an epic family with a whole of personalities. My family is going to have a lot of twists and turns but the Starks household will keep afloat. Nothing will stop me from having a family. When I was a pre-teen, I went to a doctor and the doctor said if I have a child, that child may have Joubert Syndrome. The doctor drew blood and he said it's a lot of factors that are involved. My friend asked me if I was going to adopt and I told him I didn't know. This is going to be a complicated decision I have to make but I have time, I'm not worried about it.  But if I do decide to have a baby the natural way, the child may or may not have Joubert Syndrome. If the child has Joubert Syndrome, I know it will be more obstacles for him or her to overcome but I will teach him or her the ways that I learned from myse...

Don't Put People in Boxes

I don't like when people put other people in boxes. Men, women and children are not the same. For example, all men don't just want to have sex, some could want positive conversations with the woman or women they are involved with too. Life isn't all about sex but sex is definitely part of life. All women are not weak ( physically & mentally) and sensitive. I'm sensitive and I'm a young man. The woman's division in WWE are stone cold fighters and they are definitely not weak. I wouldn't want to step into the ring with them, they would tear me to shreds. All children don't cry when they fall. I guess children are a hit or miss when it comes to this but anyways I saw this child hit the floor face first on a wooden waxed floor and he didn't cry at all. When he got up from the floor, he kept it moving with his daily activities. I guess what I'm saying is don't let people put you in a box, step outside of that box or boxes. Don't c...

Self Confidence

I remember one day in high school a senior told me to get up on stage. I was in a program called African American Scholars, it's a program for students who are African American who have good grade point averages. Anyways, the senior called me up and it was another student who came up and we had to debate whether Lebron James was greater than Kobe Bryant. I was so scared, I hesitated and I froze. I couldn't speak, I mumbled actually. Anyways, I didn't have the Self Confidence back then but I do have that now. On one of my Instagram posts, I was explaining I was so scared reciting poetry one night because it was an open mic and a poetry slam. The conclusion was that I did it and that's what matters. I care about how the audience perceives my poetry but getting up on the stage is something surreal. When I read my poetry I have power. Every word of my poetry has power!! It took me along time to gain Self Confidence within myself. I can say that family, frie...


The other night I watched Night School s tarring Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish and the overall message I believe is that people can be Misunderstood until they are understood. When you see the movie, maybe you can get a somewhat clear understanding of what I'm talking about. I would say that I'm a Misunderstood individual, we all might be!! I don't know but this is my own opinion. A lot of ladies call themselves out of their names. For example, they would call themselves hoe's, sluts or bitches. They might do some extracurricular activities ( if you understand where I'm going with this) or they might not. For those young ladies who are doing those extracurricular activities, they aren't hoe's, sluts or bitches in my opinion, I just think they are Misunderstood !! These young ladies might just want love and they find it in the wrong places or they just are deciding which man/woman is the right one for them. ...

Sweet and Sour

I was working the other day and one of my co-workers said I was Sweet for helping out. Later on I was just thinking to myself I try to be Sweet sometimes but sometimes I'm not Sweet unintentionally. Take milk for example, milk can be sour after a few days and sometimes I might be like spoiled milk. I don't like to look in the past unless I'm looking at how far I came but the unintentional mistakes that I made in the past might've made me Sour . The mistakes that I made in the past don't make me a Sour individual. Me helping out when I can doesn't make me a Sweet individual (all of the time) either. I guess I'm somewhere between Sweet and Sour. I 'm a complicated soul and I might be the only complicated soul out there but I guess what I'm trying to say is that Sweet and Sour c an be good and bad. Sweet and Sour chicken is good (lol) but to be serious Don't let the Sour side take over You and Destroy You!!

Emotional Connections

I feel like we as individuals are emotional connected one way or another. We are connected everyday by experiences that we share. The experiences might not be the same but the experiences might be similar. For example, Machine Gun Kelly released a song called See My Tears a nd I can relate to that song because of those dark days when I was growing up. Another example is the song by Lil Wayne entitled Let It All Work Out off his latest album. The song is so deeply passionate and that's how Emotional Connections start and evolve. I'm not saying those are the only two rappers that connect emotionally to their fans, there are quite a few!! I've been into poetry lately and I think I'm pretty good at it!!  People can connect with poetry in an emotional sense as well. When I recite my poetry, sometimes people say I like your poem. One lady told me that she loved the pronouns in my poems and how people can express themselves. I loved that!! The reason I am doin...

There is Hope after all

I saw Bight, t he movie starring Will Smith a few weeks ago and I think the acting was phenomenal and I could stay with the storyline. I'm not going to spoil the whole movie for you but I'm going to tell you guys what I think about the movie. I think the movie unpacks racism but also hierarchy at the same time.  Have you guys ever saw 2012 with John Cusack or Elysium with Matt Damon? If you haven't seen these movies, it's quite alright!! 2012 , Elysium and Bright are similar in this regard. The movies are similar because they focus on a divide, the rich vs. the poor and if you cross those lines of  that system, you will be deemed unwanted. On the topic of racism, Bright has unpacked it very correctly in my opinion. The movie has scenes and elements of racism. The times regarding racism hasn't changed much from along time ago up to now but there is Hope out there somewhere that one day every racial remark or action against another man/woman because the color ...

Sometime People/I Fuck Up!!

I truly believe that realness comes from the soul so I'm going to be Real on this post. I think I'm Real on every post but this is going to be a post that goes the extra mile if that makes sense. Sometimes people fuck up and as adults I think it's so important that we expose those fuck ups so those fuck ups won't haunt or scare us. I'm a young man that is filled with many imperfections like many others but I'm talking about me, period. So with that being said I'm going to tell you my shit!! I don't know if any of you guys out there ever watched Paper Towns starring Cara Delevingne but at the end of the movie Natt Wolff said something like we don't think a human being is more than a human being, something like that but my interpretation of that saying is that people misjudge people. When you look at somebody's life, that individual might want you see something else than what you think they are or perceive to be. For along time, I didn't w...