One of my nieces graduated from college this past Thursday.  She graduated with the BLACK graduation group instead of  the Whole graduation class. Regardless of what type of graduation she participated in, I am so very proud of her. I understand the BLACK UNITY when it deals with the Black graduation . It takes a village to raise a child and a BLACK FAMILY is MORE POWERFUL WHEN THEY ARE ONE RATHER THAN IF THE FAMILY IS SEPERATE. I'm not saying that when some of the BLACK FAMILY MEMBERS aren't present, other members of that BLACK FAMILY can't be successful in life, they can still become successful. I guess it's all about the present and future mindset. What I mean by this is are You going to let that situation(s) deter You from being successful? The mindset comes in if You let that situation mess with your mindset presently or in the future.

Anyways where was I? Oh I also want to say that the president of the department of inclusion made the opening speech but the problem what I have with this is, don't have the president of inclusion come out and speak and there was NO INCLUSION presented in the graduating class. It was just Black Folks!!  Where were my Asian Americans, Chinese Americans, Caucasians and Native Americans? Inclusion basically means including everybody and everybody wasn't included. In my opinion, I think we should Definitely celebrate BLACK UNITY  but do it in a way to INCLUDE EVERYONE.


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