Social Experiences

When I started college I was nervous because I was shy and insecure. Don't get me wrong, I'm still insecure about somethings but I guess I can openly express my insecurities now instead of bottling them up when I way younger. Anyways, when I started college I wanted to interact with people. I had a roommate my freshman year and we played UFC on X-Box. We played the game a few times and it was a fun bonding experience. One day I was in English class and we had an assignment to do on the computer. The assignment wasn't graded but if we did the assignment we would get a check mark by our name. This kid who is my friend now came over to me and told me that he wasn't going to do the assignment because it was stupid. Well I told him "you should do it because it's worth points". We remain friends till this day. I had so many Social Experiences in college, I just wanted to name a few of my Social Experiences. I have Social Experiences til this day and I vow to myself that I will have Social Experiences until the day I die

The reason I brought this up is because Social Experiences are important because we can vibe off each others energy. Hopefully the other person will have good positive energy. Bonding is part of Social Experiences as well. Social Experiences can be anything and anytime. Have Social Experiences as often as you can because You might be saving a life in the process!


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