Self Confidence

I remember one day in high school a senior told me to get up on stage. I was in a program called African American Scholars, it's a program for students who are African American who have good grade point averages. Anyways, the senior called me up and it was another student who came up and we had to debate whether Lebron James was greater than Kobe Bryant. I was so scared, I hesitated and I froze. I couldn't speak, I mumbled actually. Anyways, I didn't have the Self Confidence back then but I do have that now.

On one of my Instagram posts, I was explaining I was so scared reciting poetry one night because it was an open mic and a poetry slam. The conclusion was that I did it and that's what matters. I care about how the audience perceives my poetry but getting up on the stage is something surreal. When I read my poetry I have power. Every word of my poetry has power!! It took me along time to gain Self Confidence within myself. I can say that family, friends and people who aren't in Your inner circle gives you the Self Confidence you need and that's good in all but I'm going to say that when you say yes to Yourself, that's when Your Self Confidence starts. I started saying yes to myself about the end of eleventh grade and I don't regret it at all!! I was sick of not sticking up for myself and hiding from happiness. I had to say yes to myself to gain Self Confidence but I had major help from a supernatural being and that supernatural being is God!!


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