
Showing posts from March, 2017

Having a Crutch is Not Ok!!

A crutch is something that we are dependent on all of the time. At least, I had a crutch. My crutch was my disability, Joubert Syndrome. At first I thought I had ocular motor apraxia but I found out later, the doctors misdiagnosed my disability. I had more symptoms than ocular motor apraxia. Anyways, I've always made my disability an excuse for not being able to do stuff. For example, I tried to open the window but it wasn't opening. I told my mom it wasn't working and this is true but at the same time I was barely trying. I was making my disability an excuse and that wasn't cool at all!! This was one example. It wasn't until the end of my junior year of my high school career I stopped using my disability as an excuse and I started living!! If you are having a crutch in your life, stop it because on the long run it will be hard to eliminate that dependability. Regardless if you have a disability or not don't make excuses for the things that you think you can...

God Heals All Things

Ever since I've broken my fibula some people have been saying may you have a speedy covery and I know those certain people don't mean any harm, they care about me!!  But at the same time, God will work it out on His own time. God is healing my broken ankle as I write this post. It's not on my timing, it's definitely on His timing. When it comes to me I want to handle everything by myself and I know I can't so I just need to cast my worries and troubles upon God and let Him handle it all. This is not only about my broken ankle, it can be concerned with anything.  God is a part of my life and I will always go to him for advice. It's been always hard for me to ask for help and advice. But people need help always, we can't do it all by ourselves!! Have faith in God, Confucius, Dao, Buddha or anyone you believe in. Ask for spiritual guidance.  

Truthfulness and Rawness

The reason I write on my blog is to inspire people through my experiences and hopefully they will gain some perspective from my experiences and live the best life they possibly can. I wouldn't  of thought of this blog if it wasn't for my one of my former communications Professor, Mr. Sheridan. I was in a New Media class and for an assignment we had to create a blog with whatever content we wanted. When the year was over, he said we could continue with our blogs or just delete them.  Obviously, I chose to keep my blog and continue writing. Maybe, I wouldn't of thought of writing a blog back then but maybe eventually. I'm glad that I stayed with it because I can create content that inspires me and at the same I inspire other people. In every post that I write about, I give you the honest and raw truth about myself and other experiences that I go through. If I'm not exploiting my true self to you guys, I don't want to exploit myself at all. I guess i...

With Good Company

Since I have a broken my fibula I'm laying up nowadays. I went to some family functions while this happened. Every family is different but my family is great. I don't mind hanging out with them before my injury, during my injury and after my injury. I like their conversations. Other people might be bored with their families but my family is a bunch of fun. Even though I can't walk like I want to right now, its a bright of fresh air to see family in a positive light. I would classify myself as a extrovert and I miss going out with my newly found friends in D.C. I miss house parties but those parties aren't equally insane as my college days (lol). I miss the intelligent conversations at the house parties. Most of the time I have to be confined to a bedroom because I have to rest my ankle. I feel like an introvert and its tearing me apart. When you like to be surrounded with people and then suddenly forced to stay isolated from everybody most of the time, it just s...

The Four Letter word- L.O.V.E.

Love is a real emotion, not a fake emotion. Like I said in an earlier post, Love is painful and joyful. In order to experience Love we have to go through ups and downs. I haven't been in a relationship before and the girls that I wanted to pursue in the past, I always Loved them, the kind of Love I'm talking about is unconditional. I've always had bad luck with girls but the girls that I wanted to pursue, I always had unconditional Love for them, No matter what!! I guess you have to develop unconditional Love . I guess I developed unconditional Love because my parents showed other people that kind of Love and I watched and I adapted it. There are many other ways that people can develop unconditional Love . For example, a zookeeper can nurture a baby tiger by giving him/her milk. Anyways, I will always Love , I will Love hard. I would rather Love hard than hate hard. I know what my problem with girls is, my problem is that when I meet girls, I automatically want the...

Dressing inappropriately

I had a problem with kids dressing inappropriately for along time. For example, I was at my cousin's sweet sixteen party tonight. Everybody had to dress formal. Most of the people dressed formally. Some girls who dressed formally looked nice but there skirts were too short, too tight or the slit of the skirt was too short. Some girls actually dressed too grown in my opinion. I'm just wondering why the parents don't intervene. A second thought would be that the parents are at work and can't monitor their daughter's clothing decisions or they flat out just don't care. Wearing all of that revealing and so called sexy clothing can be confusing to an older gentlemen. I know this is just a sweet sixteen party but  I'm talking about overall too. Some girls can be sixteen or seventeen years old  and dress like they are twenty four or twenty five years old. Why can't some girls dress their age? I don't understand why some girls want to be grown so fas...

Have a Bucket List

If you guys haven't seen The Bucket List starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, I recommend that you guys see it because it's about experiencing life to it's full advantages. I don't know what all is on my bucket list but I know what my first wish and second wish is going to be. My first choice is to meet Kendall Jenner. I like her because she donated her presents to the children's hospital for one of  her birthday's. This was an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians .  This is why I want to meet her, she made a selfless act, not a selfish act.  This is going to happen, maybe not in the near future but eventually!! I have Faith . My second choice is to go to the Galapagos Islands because I want to see all of the animals which live there. The first time I heard of the Islands I was in science in tenth grade. Charles Darwin was studying there because the animals were interesting. From that moment on I wante...

Kids Are Our Present and Our Future

I don't like when people say kids are our future. Even though this is true, kids are our present too!! Kids are going to be on this earth forever, until they become adults of course. Then people will continue to birth out babies, it's never going to stop and it's a beautiful thing. Kids are beautiful, they are blessings. If we want to make sure kids are present and future, we have to teach them the ways of the world. Parents have to teach their kids how to respect their peers and elders. I think the main source of that knowledge has to be taught by their parents, nobody else, until they get older and they can get knowledge from other people if they wish. For example, if the parents are disrespectful and rough around the edges, the kids are typically going to be the same way. I don't think this is always the case though. If we do want our kids to be the present and the future, we need to raise them right and teach them the ways of the world and help them become positi...


Last week I saw The Salesman:Forushande and it is so good that you'll be on the edge of your seat every minute of the movie. I want you guys to see the movie so I'm not going to spoil the synopsis. In the movie, there is something a stranger does to the main character's wife but at the end of the movie, the wife forgives the stranger for the act he commits. Even though this is a movie, we can take a lot away from this movie because the events during the movie can happen in real life. The overall message/word I got out of the movie is forgiveness. The wife forgave the stranger who committed an act against her. That act of forgiveness tells me that we can forgive others whether it's a small or big crime against another. If we forgive one another that cloud of judgement that we have against other people will evaporate. Your soul will be set free. We all make mistakes here and there, the best solution in my opinion is to relax and step back from the situation and then re-c...

Stay Connected

On Saturday night, I called a couple of my friends that I haven't talked to in a while and it was so refreshing to catch up on their lives and as well, they can catch up on my life. I haven't been intentionally avoiding them, it's just our lives are in constant motion and we are busy. But that shouldn't be any excuse, I'm going to make a conscious effort to call all of my friends, not just some of them but all of them on a regular basis. Plus, our lives can be busy but not too busy for our friends. Stay connected with your friends, whether there friends you've known for a long time or just a short amount of time. We all have busy lives but don't let that busy lifestyle of yours control who you are and don't forget the people that make you happy.

Getting ready for the real world

A couple days ago, I was looking for jobs on, a website that you can look up jobs or careers. Anyways I was searching and I found some jobs that looked interesting. But the problems were that they were asking people to have a business degree in economics or five years experience in production. What if that guy or girl doesn't have that degree or qualification. These are examples by the way.  When I was searching I was just thinking to myself what if people are competent enough to do the tasks that are required of them but lack the qualifications and degrees? I'm not saying that people shouldn't have degrees or qualifications, I'm saying that a lot of jobs require degrees or qualifications that people simply don't have. I think we as people looking for jobs and employers both need to take risks. The risks that employers need to take is to take a shot on people, people might surprise you!! So what if these people don't have cert...


When I was over my cousin's house for a cookout, my cousin's friend's daughter was watching Paw Patrol  on Nick Jr. and to tell you the truth it's a really good show. I don't know how it came about but all of characters ( puppies) in the show were working together to save their friend. I was watching in amazement because the characters were displaying teamwork . This is what I thought at least. I saw Toy Story tonight and when all of the characters ( toys) helped Buzz and Woody get to their rightful owner, that is ultimate teamwork there. Why can't we the people of the United States work together to face the hard issues that burden America today? I really like One Man Can Change The World by Big Sean, Kanye West and John Legend but if we have teamwork in regards of changing the world for the better, this world will be a better place. If we put our minds together for good, not evil,  we can create a surplus of world change.

We Need to do Better

I saw I Am Not Your Negro with some of my family members at Cedar Lee movie theatre located in Cleveland Heights, OH. They show independent films. If you are in Cleveland one day, you should catch a film there, it's a cool theatre!! Anyways, I saw this film and it's very good and interesting because it was from one man's perspective, James Baldwin. The film is about the Civil Rights movement. James Baldwin did so much traveling and research for this documentary and it's so impressive that he wrapped so much information into one documentary. After the film was over, my father asked me do you think things have changed now from back then regarding African Americans? I thought about that for a moment and then I responded. I said not a lot of things changed but it's slowly progressing. I would want the world to change a little bit at a time rather than not at all regarding African Americans. What is profoundly important to discuss is that we the people of the United...

The World Itself

A couple nights ago I watched this movie called Trade. The movie is about a young man that befriends a cop from Texas to find the young man's sister. Overall, the movie is about human trafficking. I don't know a whole about human trafficking but there are two things I know about this subject. 1) is it's an inhumane act and disgrace on human beings and 2) I know it's not only through domestic channels, people are having this type of business in countries, international lands. America and the whole international world is so beautiful but it's corrupt at the same time. Human trafficking is not the only issue in this world that is so wrong, there are so many issues wrong in the world. I'm not saying there aren't people out in the world trying to eliminate or slow the business of human trafficking down because there are people who are trying to get this situation and many other issues resolved so everyone can get justice. We need to shake up the world for the be...


A few weeks ago, before the Superbowl I fainted and I fell on my ankle. I broke my ankle, technically, I broke my fibula. When I fainted, I blacked out for a few seconds and when I came to, my ankle was in pain so much. My ankle is healing slowly but surely now but back to the main point of the story. I was in so much pain that I had to have people lift me up to my bed. I was just thinking last night that I was selfish in my thinking because Jesus Christ endured so much pain, He was tortured and was severely beaten. Lastly, He was hung on a cross. Again, I was selfish in my thinking because I was only thinking of my pain and what I'm going through. I wasn't thinking about all of the people around the world, plus Jesus Christ. A lot of people around the world are very sick and injured and I was just thinking of my ankle that can be healed. Don't make the same mistake like I did, put your own personal dilemmas or injuries to the side and start thinking about other people and ...