
Revamp is a must

 As you guys know, I'm a Clevelander and I will always be a Clevelander. I love the Cavs and the Browns, how can I not?, my hometown is Cleveland. Even though I briefly mentioned the Cavs, I'm going to talk about the Browns for a bit. Every year the Browns say this year is our year and I always want to believe them because that's my team, but most of the seasons weren't winning seasons for them besides last year. Last year was incredible when we got into the playoffs with Joe Flacco.      Even though this current season just started, the Browns are to a rough start. This past Sunday, the Browns faced the Washington Commanders and let me just say, the Browns weren't making me jump for joy. I think Deshaun Watson had a good game minus getting sacked several times. When he threw the ball to his teammates, they didn't catch the ball. Watson threw accurate passes. Mistakes happen but if I got paid millions of dollars, I would put some glue on my gloves to make sure

The Vice President Speech

 I tuned into the speech late but what I saw was two men acting respectful and cordial towards one another for the most part. I felt like other times, they would've slapped each other silly. I'm going to give you my thoughts about the debate. I think Vance did much worse than Walz and I'm going to explain.     First, I think Walz was stumbling on some words throughout the debate, but those things happen. The stumbling of words isn't something to fret about. But oh man, Vance is another story! First, Vance can't blame everything on the migrants. What have they done to the American people or Vance's inner circle? My response is not a DAMN THING. The only guilty thing that the migrants have done and it's not really anything guilt related, they're just trying to improve their lives for the better. I would buy a blowtorch, jackhammer and any tool to dismantle that MOTHERFUCKING wall and when I'm finished, I'll scream, FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, THAN


  Every so often, Hollywood makes a movie about slavery and when the actors and actresses get interviewed and asked by various media outlets, why another slave movie? I'm going to weigh on this topic for a bit and my response would be, if you are going to ask that question, the question should also be directed to the actors and actresses who play in movies about the holocaust. Then, I had to think longer on this topic, and I came to the conclusion that these movies depicting on how African Americans and people of Judaism faith were/are treated, Hollywood needs to make more of these movies because generations to come will learn a bit when watching these movies. The generations to come will have to do some research too if they plan on exploring more on this topic. Also, these movies will shut up the deniers that the holocaust did happen. In history class during my high school career, my teacher said some people still don't believe that holocaust didn't happen. Or in other wo

Just Do It

This past Saturday, I went to a local bar called the Winchester on the west side of Cleveland. My boss is in a band and the band was playing that night. I like to support people even if that art form is new to me . Me seeing the band was exciting, also it was another big happening that night. I asked if the bartender if she had a boyfriend and unfortunately, she said yes. If she said no, I would have been jumping for joy and after jumping for joy, I would 've then asked her if she wanted to go out on a date and then we skip down the yellow brick road oh so lovely. I was hella sad and what even made me more sad was when she turned on some sad country music. I told myself let me get my ass out of here (LOL). I had a lot of drinks that night because I was celebrating my boss's band performing live for the first time since the stone ages (lol), but for a very long time. Anyways, I had hella drinks that night but thank God I mellowed out by the time I asked her. Imagine if I was

Continue that artistry in motion

A sense of enjoyment was in my heart last night. It was my first time at a burlesque show . I really enjoyed myself and I didn't even have to pay twenty to sixty bucks per song (LOL). Even though dancers at strip clubs and burlesque dancers are similar I believe, there are tiny differences between the two, but I don't know what they are. What I know is that there is a whole movement out there for the burlesque dancers, like communities that support these burlesque dancers. One community that support these dancers are the LGBTQIA community and that community is within the burlesque dancers as well. A sense of community is needed, especially for the people who are outcasted and marginalized. The second thing I noticed is that there is so much sexual freedom of expression and just self expression in general. People outside looking in can be very judgmental because people who don't know what other people's customs or ideologies are, they can get judgy and angry. Honestly, t

Stay the course

 For the past couple months, I have been experiencing a sense of crossroads in my life. Even though I haven't lived All of my life, it seemed like I was cycling through this constant of uncertainty. I wouldn't call it a midlife crisis, I would say it a younglife crises (lol). Even though that joke was funny in my opinion, I'm being serious! ! For example, I really like my job currently, but I've been there for two years and I want a challenge, a challenge that will be more financially sound. I know money isn't everything but here are the facts: I'm a thirty-year-old man and I want my life to be secured financially when I want to retire.      So, I prayed and I'm continuing to pray and its getting better. In my earlier posts, I said praying centers me and gives me a fresh perspective and praying still gives me that sense of secureness that the Lord has me. I have to stay the course because if I don't stay the course I will keep cycling that uncertainty.

Baby steps on how to feel

 A couple of nights ago, I watched this movie entitled Kajillionaire starring Richard Jenkins and the ravishing Gina Rodriguez on Peacock. The movie had its comedic parts but overall, it is a thought-provoking movie in my opinion. You should watch the movie when you get a chance. Anyways, I'm going to express my feelings towards this movie without hopefully not spoiling the synopsis. There is a mother, daughter and a father who are low level criminals, but the daughter seems aloof from reality, her mind is just set on the low level crimes they do and nothing else until the character played by Gina Rodriguez steps into the low level criminal enterprise. As the daughter played by the ravishing Evan Rachel Wood connects more with Gina Rodriguez's character, the daughter opens up more. A parenting class helped the daughter open up and made her realize her parents didn't love her, they were just having her around as part of the crime team, not as a daughter.       When I was in