
Let me get my NFL hat on for a bit

 As of late, there have been rumblings about a Myles Garret trade in the social media sphere, if you don't know who Myles Garrett is, he's a defensive end for the Cleveland Browns. Ultimately, he wants to win a super bowl and the Cleveland Browns haven't done that for a while. In my opinion, I don't blame Mr. Garrett because he's been showing up for the Browns every Sunday (not saying other Browns players aren't showing up the team) and I think he's just fed up. He told the media he wanted to be traded to a contender, in other words, a team that has a possibility to win on the grand stage . I was watching First Take on ESPN and they were talking about the trade, and they were also talking about Deshaun Watson dealing with the trade. Deshaun Watson is the quarterback for the Cleveland Browns. I didn't know the issue was the quarterback as well, but I began to think (dangerous territory, LOL) that the quarterback is supposed to be a captain/leader of a fo...

Love & Unity

 I pray, I pray and then I pray again because I believe prayer can change situations. Lately, I have been praying for the state of this world, especially in this country, the United States. There has been a lot of wickedness in this world and of course, people can define their own wickedness. The definition of wicked means morally bad, very bad from Merriam Webster. I'm not talking about white lies or little Tommy grabbing cookies from the cookie jar, those things are bad but not terrible. I AM talking about MAJOR global implications that we have currently and implications in the communities THAT WE SERVE.       The global implications that I'm talking about is the California wildfires. Initially, I thought the wildfires were created because of the tectonic plates. I always believed that from earthquakes to tsunamis but later I found out that my sister told me she heard that it's a certain flower that populates the state of California that caused these wildfire...


 On January 14, I turned the BIG 32 (I made a typo on the flyer, LOL) and I told my mother I'm just glad that God gave me another year to live on this earth. Hopefully, I will live multiple years to come but if not, I'm content on who I am. That is a big IF, not a small if because of course, I want more celebrations, I want more life changing experiences, and I want more healing energies that will be developed into this world. Elevation is part of life and I've elevated in some areas more than other areas. For example, I've elevated and I am still elevating into a safe mental state, tapping into my emotions that I knew I had and the emotions I didn't know I had with my therapist. I've also elevated with my living situations. After I moved out of my stepfathers house, I lived in a shoebox (studio)  and after six years living in that shoe box, I am currently living in a one bedroom apartment and after living in the apartment for a while, maybe I'll live in a...


 Last night I was watching Saturday Night Main event on Peacock, and I loved it!! Even though I loved the TV extravaganza, I thought the matches were short compared to the matches on Friday and Monday nights.  Also, I wanted Iyo Sky to win the Women's World Champion because I think Damage Control needs more of a push in regards of fan engagement and if Iyo Sky would've won, she would've won on that front, for her group as well. I wanted Damien Priest to win, I could see the yearn in his eyes to hold that title up high above his head. Another thing, I'm getting confused in the midst of all of this because there are a lot of championships in the industry.  Fast forwarding to the WWE moving to Netflix next year, I think it's mainly about more money. I'm not saying anything negative; I'm just expressing my statement (LOL), GET YOUR EXTRA MONEY Paul "Triple H" Levesque. I don't agree with Mr. Levesque's stance on keeping the WWE rating when it m...

Vulnerability, an option maybe

Every Christmas Eve my dad's side of the family as of late we've had a tradition. The tradition is we go over my dad's house, eat dinner and all of us get to open presents. After all of that, we usually hang out, talk and have a merry ole time. But, last year on Christmas Eve, after we had our dinner, my sister decided to play a game and of course we said yes. I don't think anybody wanted to be a bad sport. I don't know the name of the game, but the concept is, it has two sides, one side has serious questions, and the other side has less serious questions and of course we had the side of serious questions and then we had to discuss the topics.  I love my sister's enthusiasm (bless her little heart) but those topics on the card made us release most of our emotions and then we got slightly off topic, the conversations got even deeper.      At this point, I didn't want to be vulnerable especially since it was the holiday season even though there are sad momen...

Appreciate the little so you can appreciate the BIG

 During the span of the election, I was canvassing. If people don't know what canvassing is , it's just knocking on people's doors and for this particular canvassing it was for the past election. But in the midst of the canvassing, I got four dollars more on my paycheck than the previous paycheck and I was grateful. Other people might say it's just four dollars, but my employer didn't have to do that. That gesture was little but I was very grateful for that increase, how big or small it was. I would say I was always a grateful Indvidual but now since I'm older and gained a bit more wiser, I would say that I cherish the things that make me whole that aren't always monetary.     Also, I got a bonus of twenty five dollars after the job was over. I was jokingly asking for a bonus; I didn't expect to receive a bonus. This made me think of another thought and the thought is being humble. You never know what being humble and appreciative will get you. I'm n...

Oh, Boy!

 I tried to stay awake for the remaining results of the election, but I went to bed at midnight. I was watching the live commentary on Peacock. I think you guys can imagine I was a bit unsettled and sad for the American people this morning when I opened X (formerly known as Twitter). I don't know a lot of the policies, but I know some vital issues (especially from this past election) that I can make a clear and concise opinion in the political sphere. The issues that I take very seriously and what I know is the abortion and immigration issue.      For any women who voted for Trump must be gullible to bullshit, I'm sorry for the bluntness but if somebody was trying to control my body, I WOULD SAY FUCK YOU AND THEN SOME! Obviously, I'm not a woman but reproductive rights should be for the woman to decide and not the man. This is a crucial issue because if a woman gets pregnant and decides she doesn't want the baby anymore, oh well, you're shit out of luck. You are st...