Last night I was watching Saturday Night Main event on Peacock, and I loved it!! Even though I loved the TV extravaganza, I thought the matches were short compared to the matches on Friday and Monday nights.  Also, I wanted Iyo Sky to win the Women's World Champion because I think Damage Control needs more of a push in regards of fan engagement and if Iyo Sky would've won, she would've won on that front, for her group as well. I wanted Damien Priest to win, I could see the yearn in his eyes to hold that title up high above his head. Another thing, I'm getting confused in the midst of all of this because there are a lot of championships in the industry. 

Fast forwarding to the WWE moving to Netflix next year, I think it's mainly about more money. I'm not saying anything negative; I'm just expressing my statement (LOL), GET YOUR EXTRA MONEY Paul "Triple H" Levesque. I don't agree with Mr. Levesque's stance on keeping the WWE rating when it moves to Netflix because Netflix isn't Disney+, no disrespect to that streaming platform. WWE wants to keep it PG, but I think since it's on Netflix, they should crank everything up to another notch, everything from writing/storyline to pre/post production. In regards to moving superstars to different brands under the WWE umbrella, I have some thoughts, and those thoughts are as follows: 

Trick Williams: Moves to Smackdown from NXT for a Round 2 battle against Carmelo Hayes

Gigi Dolin, Izzi Dame, Roxanne Perez and Arianna Grace: They all stay in NXT and form Toxic Attraction 2.0. Gigi will be the leader. Instead of three members, it will be 4 members.

Liv Morgan & Dom Dom: I think Liv needs to move to Smackdown, Dom Dom needs to stay on Raw to work out his problems with his father. The twist is Liv becomes pregnant. Liv doesn't want to see Dom Dom. Liv files for full custody. 

Otis: I think Otis needs to branch out by himself. Let him stay on Raw. He wins the 24/7 championship and holds the belt for at least 355 days. 

I have a discrepancy and the discrepancy is that wrestlers talk about other wrestlers' family and I think its ok when the family members are in the business but other than that, don't SHIT talk about them. For prime example, Goldberg's son was enjoying a match with his father, Gunther was talking shit to his father and then to his son. I think that's uncalled for. I know WWE is scripted entertainment but sometimes, they take stuff out of bounds. 


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