Family (La Familia) Over Everything
A month ago, my family celebrated my mother's birthday and retirement for three days. My mom's birthday is October 1st and she retired from being an educator last summer. We would've celebrated last year but sad to say, my grandfather passed away and for a few months then, we were in mourning so that wouldn't be the right time to celebrate.
My mother is my mother, she's strict but fair. Sometimes I didn't agree what she did, but I love her so much! She taught in Prospect Elementary School in East Cleveland, Ohio for many years. I believe she taught all of the grades. Then an opportunity opened up at Cleveland School of the Arts, the lower campus as an assistant principal. She stayed in that position for a few years and then another opportunity opened up and she became principal at the same school. What my mother taught me was HAVE FAITH, STAY THE COURSE, WORK HARD and NEVER GIVE UP. Alot of times, I just watch her actions and it's no need for verbal communication and sometimes that verbal communication is needed.
My grandfather is very special to me. I'm not saying my grandfather's name in the past sense because he'll be close to my heart forever, forever and forever. I have a few stories between him and I but one particular night, my grandfather wasn't feeling good so he called me or I text him, and I tried to calm him down by reciting my favorite scripture which states I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me and I said I'm going to pass these words to you. He calmed down but he wanted to talk to me so that meant the world to me.
If you know me, you know I don't want pity from anyone. The reason I'm writing this post is to let people know that family dynamics are tricky because some people might not be close to their family members or situations get messy when they each other. I think the most important thing to remember whether or not your family dynamic is messy or not, your family is everything regardless of fights and arguments. We don't get to pick our family members but if you are lucky and blessed enough, your family will come out fine, fine with some quirks.
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