Happy New Year!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! I don't make new year's resolutions because I don't keep the promises that I make myself. Since I don't have resolutions, I have new insights that I want to discover and explore whether it's on a big or small scale. For example, on a small scale, I was in a grocery store during the 2022 holiday season, I picked up some flavored water that I haven't noticed so I decided to buy the drink which is called Shine Water  (https://www.shinewater.com/) and I fancy the taste. On the big scale, in 2022 I discovered within myself when everything was said and done, I should've controlled my emotions better dealing with my previous employer. I also discovered in 2022, I have to say NO sometimes dealing with my previous employer (shoutout to the co-worker who told me that) because I used to stay longer than my shift requires because the upper management needed people. 

In 2023, I'm going to continue to discover and explore within myself, my surroundings and maybe abroad even. But with continuing of discovering and exploring, I have to change or alter my mindset a little bit before or/and after for the exploration and discovery because I think within that exploration and discovery there might be a chance to learn, grow (in your OWN time) and reflect on that exploration and discovery. And if it is a chance to learn, grow and reflect I'm going to take full advantage of that because I want to become a better ME. What are you guys going to do for 2023 to benefit yourself and then hopefully benefit others?


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