Life is what you make it. I get down and out because of some situations in life but I know God has me and I will be victorious in all things. I also love inspiration. I love people who inspire me and I love to inspire other people. When this inspiration happens, it's a non stop cycle of inspiring and I love it so much. My former college I went to, Mercyhurst University slogan is carpe diem which means seize the day. Seizing the day is so essential if we want to fulfill an accomplish or meet a goal. Connecting and networking with people is also so essential in life because these networks will hopefully develop into long lasting friendships and partnerships. Last night I watched this film entitled Demolition and it was a very good film. The main character, Jake Gyllenhaal found a boy that eventually became his best friend. Life is very precious, take it day by day and you never know who you are going to meet along your journey.
I saw this movie called Greater ( a true story) a couple weeks ago starring Neil McDonough and Christopher Severio. This movie is about a kid who wants to play for the Arkansas Razorbacks and didn't accept no for an answer when people told him he wasn't going to make the team. He eventually played for them and made it into the NFL playing for the Indianapolis Colts. He died in a non related football accident though. I could relate to the main character because I was picked on and I really stayed to myself . I didn't interact much. But he overcame those fears of being scared and took a leap of faith. He wanted to make it on the Razorbacks team that much he Never Gave Up on pursuing his dream and that dream led him into the NFL. His mother in the movie played by Leslie Easterbrook instilled in him the faith element and then he Believed anything is possible. He just wanted to play football and he just did that, short lived but he did what he enjoyed. Do what you enjo...
When I watched this short film by Drake, I was highly impressed. If you haven't viewed the film, I have the link below. There are three parts of the film that I want to discuss with you guys. The first part I want to discuss with you guys is when Drake was at the diner and drinking coffee by himself thinking about life. This part correlates to the part when he got into a car after a show in the beginning and he looked like he wasn't satisfied. I feel like he wants something more, other than money and fame. So I guess the definition of a "celebrity" is not what it seems. The saying is true then, that money can't buy you happiness. The next part is when he had those visions of those people disappearing and when the lady was crying. When people were disappearing that might've been people in his life that died in the past or Drake had to cut them out of his life for good. For that lady who was crying, maybe that was a sign that everybody g...
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