Be safe out there

 Lately, more often than not I've been saying be safe to everybody like to my co-workers when they go home but when I say everyone, I mean everyone but to my African American brothers and sisters especially because all of these murders and brutalities caused by the police, you never know if you are going to get home safe. This really scares me because cops are supposed to protect and serve and not terrorize an entire community!! I'm not saying All cops do these inhumane acts of terrorism centered on a marginalized community but these cops out here doing these inhumane acts need to be held accountable for their racial motivated motives. Be Safe Out There in my own words means be cautious and stay alert and have God put a ring of protection around you at all times. Many cops don't have a source of peace or supernatural being in their lives to cope with their anger in a positive way, so their DUMBASSES decide to murder or/and terrorize and dehumanize black men, black women and black children and that's not right at all. 

When I walk down the street and I see a police car, I freeze because I'm scared out of my mind. I don't know if they are going to stop the car and dehumanize me or just shoot me. I have a friend that is Caucasian and one time he told me a story that he got pulled over because he was swerving lanes and the police just gave him a ticket. If a black man or woman was in the driver seat, most likely that situation would be totally different but on the other hand, All cops aren't racists and don't have a negative view on African Americans. Stay alert and stay cautious my friends!!


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