Communication with God
I was raised in a Presbyterian church in East Cleveland, Ohio and from there I learned how to communicate with God. I'm so grateful for that. It took me some time to develop that communication with God but I got there and I will keep getting there! As you guys know I got delivered from a dark place and I owe it to God and my mother who put me in church. Now seeing myself and looking at myself in the present I don't do all of the Christian duties that I need to do but one thing I do best is I pray and I continue to pray. For me, praying gives me a peace of mind and a sense of clarity. God answers my calls too, not when I want to but when He wants to. I'll give you guys two examples. One example is when my father was hopping in his car to drive my sister and I to our high school and a winter blizzard came the previous night. I tried to shovel and my dad tried to shovel the snow underneath the car in order for the car to start going. I prayed to God and five minutes later the car started moving. The second example is when I was having trouble finding friends, I prayed and then eventually God granted me some friends. I have so many examples, how can I not but I'll just give you two examples. Everybody communicates with their own God or gods, DON'T LET ANYONE TRY TO DETER YOU FROM HAVING THAT COMMUNICATION.
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