People of Influence

I went to a Mark Battles ( if you don't know him, look him up) concert a few summers ago with my cousin and when the performers hopped on stage, we were rocking. Then I slapped one of the performers hands and to be truthfully honest with you guys, that action I did with the performer felt empowering. I felt really good about that interaction even though it was a brief second. I don't have any beef with celebrities or public figures who have lump sums of money but I feel like society deems them the only ones who can influence our generation but I don't think that's true. 

I think the only difference between public figures, celebrities and the rest of us is our bank accounts. It's funny but it's the truth. Celebrities and public figures who are in the public eye/not in the public eye have surplus money I would say. What if all of the money that these celebrities and public figures have suddenly disappear. What then? I think We all can be people of influence, global citizens and American citizens combine regardless of social status, rank of power or  job position/title. We can make a difference or multiple differences in our communities, our life, someone else's life and/or on the global spectrum. Go out and be a person of influence today!!


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