All Around Champions

Since I'm from Cleveland it wouldn't be right for me to not talk about the Cleveland Cavaliers this past Finals appearance.  Even though they didn't win the champion, I'm ok with it because we won a ring last year. Anyways, since we didn't win it, that's ok!! I have a message for the Cavaliers and the message is that you guys didn't win a ring this year but the most important thing is to become Champions off the courts, within your family, within your community and/or within yourself. This could be for any team who wants a championship. What I mean by these three phrases above is that be there for your children, be the greatest father/mother/guardian that you can be to your child. The second phrase is about starting a charity or multiple charities to give back to your community. The last phrase is about being developing yourself on a daily basis so you can achieve your very best. It's not the end of the world if you don't win a championship or multiple ones. The thing that people have to do is to keep pushing, worker even harder and you will be amazed how much pushing and hard work will do.


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