Pray 4 Me- Rockie Fresh

When I first listened to this song I fell in love with it because it's so true and raw. The first message that I developed from this song is to don't let your insecurities hinder your happiness. Everybody has ups and downs in life but the question you have to ask yourself is, are you going to let that situation(s) get you down or are you going to make a positive out of that negative situation(s)? Some days I don't feel one hundred percent but I keep going because I have goals in life that I haven't accomplished yet. God keeps me centered and He always will lead me in the right direction in life. The other message is to Never Give Up!!  Even though certain situations in our lives might be difficult, we must Not Give Up because if we do give up we are going to miss out on all of the people that we could've met along our journey that could've connected us to other people that will help build our future. Another reason we must not give up is because God created us to become magnificent human beings and if we choose to give up, we are denying God's life for us and everything and anyone He has placed in our lives. Life will become better for us. Just pray, meditate or do whatever  makes you get centered. Conquer your demons and prevail in life. Don't just sit back and complain about your life not being perfect, do something in your life that will give you purpose!! Take a real deep listen and then take steps to make your life better.


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