Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery isn't anything new, some people get it all of the time. I was recently scrolling down my Instagram feed and I saw a post that somebody wrote about her plastic surgery. She was real confident about how she looked and I applaud that certain individual because she is embracing her new look. I'm not saying her old look was bad, I don't even know what she looked liked before the surgery but I'm not going to judge her or anybody else on this topic. I think people judge too quickly on other people's actions instead of their own. This doesn't have to be solely on plastic surgery, it can be on anything. I'm pretty sure that some people who got or is getting plastic surgery is already beautiful to begin with. At the same time, I don't know what people's pasts were to make a decision to have plastic surgery but I'm still going to love and respect them as human beings because that is what we are supposed to do. The bottom line I guess is, people are going to do whatever they want. Do not judge other people on their past or future actions, just take them for who they are. Love and Respect everybody.


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