Any girl

 Since I'm in college I see beautiful girls each and every day. For the longest, I only was concerned with their exterior, not the interior. I was looking at the beauty instead of their personality. Beauty is cool but the hearts of girls are much cooler and the heart needs to be equal to the exterior beauty that they possess. For example, a girl who is beautiful, her heart needs be as beautiful  and if the outside beauty outweighs the inside beauty, she is not the one for you. You don't want a girl who's beautiful but also with an ugly personality. I made so many mistakes in regards of this but again this is what I've been through. You guys might or might've never experienced this. Nobody is perfect except God, you can still find a girl who has all around beauty, inside and outside. I just want to say that all girls aren't like this before I go on. We have to talk to the girls that we like and explore them. What I mean by that is that we have to get to know them first, figure out what they like and dislike. I had a problem with that, I always wanted to pursue a relationship right away without getting to know the girls that I was interested in. People that are close to me always told me this is the wrong way to go but I guess I had to decipher that for myself . I always try to remember that I have to get to know the girl first. I advise that you guys don't do what I do. Finding the true person that is right for you means connecting them on a deeper level. Maybe you can have light discussion at first and then have more complex, stimulating conversation. Another aspect of finding  that true person is making sure that the person is comfortable. I'm not talking about whether that person is comfortable on your couch or bed but I am talking about the conversations that two people are having. The conversations that you are having has to be stimulating but not too aggressive. Each person that is exchanging dialogue has to be comfortable with the subject matter. You just don't want to talk about the deep rooted conversation at first. You have to ease into the deep conversation, it's like baby steps. This is my opinion and what I went through. I'm the last person that should share relationship advice  to you guys because my girl radar has been broken for a long time, if that makes sense. You can read this and take something out of it or don't. The last thing I want to leave with you guys is if you are trying to pursue a girl, Never Give Up because if you give up, that means you are taking the easy way out. You are letting your insecurities hinder your happiness if you do this!!!


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