Stop Bullying
One of my biggest pet peeves is disrespectfulness. I get so furious when people treat others like garbage, saying mean things to each other. Cyberbullying and bullying should not be tolerated at all. I had to do a class presentation about cyberbullying. I found this app called Yik Yak which is an anonymous twitter and can be directly associated with cyberbullying and bullying. Yik Yak was invented by Tyler Droll and Buffs Buffington. According to USA today, colleges in Vermont, Chicago and New Mexico banned Yik Yak due to the increased bullying around those campuses. Recently, I watched a clip from The Steve Harvey Show and these parents were on the show. They have a daughter with a disorder that affects her chromosomes. Her mother posted a picture of her child on social media because it was her birthday; but the comments that people posted were disrespectful. Cyberbullying and bullying have the same negative effects on people so please refrain from bullying and anything associated with it. Spread Positivity and Love everyday.
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