Be honest with yourself
Be honest with yourself. I wasn't honest with myself when I was growing up. What I'm about to say is hard for me but I have to get this off my chest. I was contemplating suicide when I was growing up. The dark place that I was talking about in my film was the suicide thoughts. I decided to not commit suicide because I was thinking of how many people love me and if I do it, they would be terribly sadden. I told my mom and my doctor when I was younger. I actually told my dad today and it was a great conservation. I didn't tell my dad when I was younger because I didn't know how he would've reacted. I'm really good now because I have loving family and friends that want me to succeed. In this present moment I'm glad that I'm alive because I found God in the midst everything that happened to me. I was watching an interview and this rapper named Alex Riley was talking about his rap career. He said "even though I rap playfully, my fans come up to me after my shows and tell me that they didn't commit suicide after hearing my music." He also said he tried to commit suicide when he was a teenager. This part of the interview spoke to me even though I didn't try to commit suicide. He's an inspiration to his fans everywhere and I was thinking I am an inspiration to people around the world also. I successfully produced a short narrative and I give people encouragement and inspiration to not give up and find their true purpose in life. I want you guys to inspire and encourage others because you don't know who you're going to encounter each day. Maybe that individual needs some inspiration and encourage that day. That individual might carry that inspiration that you gave them for many years. Lastly, Be honest with yourself.
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