Love & Unity
I pray, I pray and then I pray again because I believe prayer can change situations. Lately, I have been praying for the state of this world, especially in this country, the United States. There has been a lot of wickedness in this world and of course, people can define their own wickedness. The definition of wicked means morally bad, very bad from Merriam Webster. I'm not talking about white lies or little Tommy grabbing cookies from the cookie jar, those things are bad but not terrible. I AM talking about MAJOR global implications that we have currently and implications in the communities THAT WE SERVE.
The global implications that I'm talking about is the California wildfires. Initially, I thought the wildfires were created because of the tectonic plates. I always believed that from earthquakes to tsunamis but later I found out that my sister told me she heard that it's a certain flower that populates the state of California that caused these wildfires. I also heard that people were starting the wildfires (that's so bizarre to me). Whatever the theories are, I would say this is a MAJOR dilemma on the global warming front. After the wildfires died down, there were mudslides and that put out the fires, but those mudslides could be a SERIOUS problem.
In regards of the communities, (mainly in the BLACK & BROWN COMMUNTIES), THAT WE SERVE, A MAJOR, MAJOR dilemma that we have to deal with are police officers shooting and harassing BLACK & BROWN people. The people who get shot and harassed might not be guilty (maybe small offenses), but the police SHOULD just arrest them, don't shoot them like an animal. Also, I think the homeless and the hunger issue need to be addressed especially during hyperthermia season. I know it's going to be homelessness and people who are hungry everywhere we go but my wish is to get statistics lowered in those two areas. The homelessness and hunger population can go hand in hand sometimes and I'm doing my part, little steps are better than no steps at all. Lastly, I don't why there are so much trash getting thrown on the ground in the communities, LIKE THROW YOUR SHIT INTO THE TRASH BASKET!! It's that simple but I guess a lot of people are simple minded nowadays. Switching directions for a minute, the Trump administration has been conjuring up their own wickedness and the worst part is that those fools up in there think they are helping America in the biggest way, instead they are hindering America in the WORST way.
Protect your communities, protect the environment because the environment will respond in MAJOR ways and as of late, the environment responded, and it wasn't a good response. I truly believe that God created the universe, and the environment is within that universe so GOD CONTROLS ALL OF THAT!! LOVE ONE, LOVE ALL.
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