I want to say as a nation we are doing better than ever in regards of fighting for equality and injustices but that would be a bold face lie. I'm not just talking about the figure heads who are leading equality movements, I'm also talking about ME and YOU, day to day contact with one another. I think we as people need to act cordial or more than cordial to people in social settingsWe definitely made efforts to fight for equality and injustices and I'm not going to discredit those efforts but how many times are we going to overcome? Dr. Reverand Martin Luther King Jr's birthday was last week and his goal was simple, FIGHT FOR EQUALITY and END DISCRIMINATION for all people. Well, if the Reverand was living today, I think he would be very distraught and disturbed at the fact that his work didn't mean a DAMN thing during the Civil Rights Movement. But, I think he would still fight for equality and try to end discrimination until the blood runs out of his body. When I was in college, I took an African American Studies course and we had to read the autobiography of Dr. Reverand Martin Luther King Jr. and I remembered two defining moments in the book. The first moment was when King and his fellow followers were at a diner to demonstrate a sit-in and one Caucasian male threatened him with a knife and King just kept sitting there and said do what you must. That moment stood out to me because what if the man did kill King? I think King meant by do you what you must is kill me and my (his) spirit will continue to grow and hopefully spread within my (his) predecessors and they will follow my (his) legacy. The second moment is when his methods of delegation wasn't working at a certain time, he was looking at Gandhi in India for a fresh and new perspective. Gandhi was a prominent leader in India for freeing his people from British rule. 

I guess what I'm saying is WE ALL NEED TO DO BETTER, from the political figure heads to people internationally and domestically. I truly believe we need to reconstruct ourselves each and every day and fix what's broken within ourselves and then hopefully, we can have a better society with less discrimination and more equality. Hopefully, a better society are key words. We do better, we act better equals a potential less evil world. 


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