I was judged so therefore, I WILL TRY NOT TO JUDGE

 We all judge, that's our human nature, well at least that's what my bio ethics teacher told me in my senior year of high school. What if it was possible for us not to judge? I don't know but what I do know is that I try not to judge. People have judged me in the past so why would I judge others for their actions, that's just the way I'm thinking. There are many scenarios and current events in this world that people judge upon and some acts need to be judged heavily. For example, those cops who shoot innocent Black and Brown women, men and children without just arrests and representation. The cops that do these heinous crimes/acts do need to be judged heavily. An example of groups that don't need to be judged heavily are the Asian American and the LGBTQ+ community. For those who are aligned and associate themselves with the LGBTQ+ should live their lives and they can spread their wings in any direction they want to in my personal opinion because that's their business and personal choice. Honestly, in the regards to the Asian community, they haven't done shit to the American people. I should say, not the majority of the American people but a few have acted harshly and violently towards Asian Americans because somebody brainwashed multiple people by making them believe that since the coronavirus developed in China, it's the fault of Asian Americans. 

There are a lot of judgement out there, some judgements are necessary and other judgements aren't.  People will always judge because this is a hierarchical society and everybody wants to get the upper hand before the other person. Judgement isn't just in the U.S., its global. So, I guess the point I'm trying to make is TRY TO NOT JUDGE OTHERS because one you probably don't want to be judged yourself and second is, what goes around comes around. 


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