Continuing my wellness journey

Lately, I developed an ideology or comfortability to not say fuck you to people when I get into serious arguments. Honestly, I haven't really said fuck you in arguments, but I have thought about it, but my thinking is that God made everybody on this earth and if you say fuck you in arguments that means you are slapping God in the face. I'm sticking to my guns when I say God made everybody on this earth because this is my belief and you guys can believe what you want to believe. Anyways, I believe you can say fuck you in playful ways as well. For example, if you are with your buds, having a light conversation about which girl is most attractive in high school and one guy says one girl is more attractive than another girl and one of the other guys disagrees and he says fuck you, no she's not and that's ok. I have to get my mind right and if I don't get my mind all the way right, let me get my mind partially right along my wellness journey (lol). I just wanted to shar...