
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Next Chapter In My Life

 I'm going to be honest with you like I always do on this blog (lol). This is the first time I really felt scared in my adult life. I quit my job and I know it's going to be an uphill battle to find what's next for me but I prayed and will continue to pray and I give it up to the Lord after that . I cried but that crying helped me to cleansed me. There are so many chapters in my life already and there are going to be many more chapters to come. I can't talk about other people's lives, but my life has been like a roller coaster, even though many of our lives are roller coasters. Life is in constant motion and we need to keep with the times, but the times are rough and more rough to other people. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do but I know it's going UP from here and the second thing is I have to remind myself is that FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD. In other words, I have to work towards my goals and in addition with that I have to have continuous ...

Unique Gifts

  Everybody has a gift in this world no matter what social class or hierarchy ranking you are in. Whether you are homeless, rich as an emperor or a silent monk, EVERYBODY HAS A GIFT!! People may experience that/those gift(s) in different lengths of their lifetimes. For example, people might not know their gifts until they are sixty-five years old or as early as fifteen years old. Finding your gift(s) may span from years like the example above but it doesn't matter how long, it matters if you find your gift and then when you find it, it's your duty to use it to your advantage. People who find their gift(s) might not even know how to activate that/those gift(s). I think I found my gift when I was in the process of accepting my disability. My gift is inspiring others and encouraging others to do their best in-spite of what the current situations are. What are the gift(s) that you have and maybe the better question is what are the gifts that you want to have?

I'm Blossoming

 Last night I was watching DJ Khaled on Drink Champs and he was talking about blossoming and progressing as an artist or/and as a human being. As I was watching I thought it would be fitting to write a post about blossoming. I think the prime example of something blossoming is flowers so I'm going to talk about flowers blossoming to us blossoming as individuals. I don't know the process of flowering but as for me and my experience I can tell that I'm still blossoming as an individual and that blossoming took and is still taking time. Like I always say, I'm not an overnight success, this process of successfulness took and is still taking time to shape. I'm not perfect and within blossoming I make mistakes. Flowers have pricks and I have many pricks (I'm just being honest). And flowers need sunlight and water for them to grow and for as human beings that is called a support system. We as individuals in society need to have support but not too dependent on other p...


 My grandfather used to pick me up from work and he would always say while looking at torn down buildings and buildings that are about to be constructed on that this world is consistently changing and we have to make the adjustments. I don't think I have fully processed what he had said but I think what he wanted me to understand was that whatever the situation is, you have to deal with the constant changes that the world is making without or with your permission. For example, the doctors told me that I had Ocular Motor Apraxia and I had to adapt with me having the disability and then a handful of years later, the doctors then told me I have Joubert Syndrome and I have to re adapt myself and my brain on me having this disability. I think me adapting to the misdiagnosis to the diagnosis is pretty good. When I was younger, it was rough but a jewel is rough in the beginning until somebody polishes the jewel, right? God polished me and truth to be told, God is still polishing me. Ada...

Respect The Races/Ethnicities

  I am black and when you see me you can obviously see that I'm black. I don't want to be any race other than black, but I also appreciate other races too. Like my other post, Respect The Religions, other races can contribute greatly to society and other people. People of other races and ethnicities can contribute to society in food, movies, art, religion and other factors as well. The words that I just mentioned can be under one word and that word is called culture . The race or/and ethnicity that came to mind is the Asian community. I love movies so here are some movies that represent Asian  actors/actresses/directors, Farewell starring Awkwafina, Boogie, (Pamelyn Chee, Taylor Takahashi, Perry Yung, Mike MoH and Eddie Haung as director and writer with a couple of other Asian American actors). Not just movies, tv shows represent Asian representation as well. The Tv shows that I'm talking about is Fresh Off The Boat, Hawaii Five-O, Warrior (the best show ever) and I'm ...

Be safe out there

 Lately, more often than not I've been saying be safe to everybody like to my co-workers when they go home but when I say everyone, I mean everyone but to my African American brothers and sisters especially because all of these murders and brutalities caused by the police, you never know if you are going to get home safe. This really scares me because cops are supposed to protect and serve and not terrorize an entire community!! I'm not saying All cops do these inhumane acts of terrorism centered on a marginalized community but these cops out here doing these inhumane acts need to be held accountable for their racial motivated motives. Be Safe Out There in my own words means be cautious and stay alert and have God put a ring of protection around you at all times. Many cops don't have a source of peace or supernatural being in their lives to cope with their anger in a positive way, so their DUMBASSES decide to murder or/and terrorize and dehumanize black men, black women and...

Respect the Religions

 Even though I'm a "Christian" or at least I was raised Presbyterian which is a branch of Christianity I can appreciate all of the religions. I don't have to follow the principles of certain religions, but I can appreciate the ideology or foundations of all religions. When I was in college, I took World Religion and the class was about all of the religions in the world big or small. One fact that interested me was that Buddhists I believe sweep the entrance of their step stools and doors to their houses or monastery. According to the, Buddhists clean to remove ego and to establish inner peace , that's so fascinating!! . Another interesting fact that I learned is that these spiritual gurus that know so much about their religious practice guide others who want to know about that religion guide them to enlightenment. I forgot the specific gurus name but that was fa...