Mental Health is mental wealth
When I was having negative thoughts once upon a time, I didn't know that was associated with mental health. For the people who haven't read my older posts, I thought of committing suicide. Don't let those words, committing suicide scare you because that's part of my past and I own it, I don't deny it. I was contemplating suicide because people were teasing me because they didn't know how to react to my head motions and that led to lack of self acceptance. I have Joubert Syndrome now but then I had Ocular Motor Apraxia which deals with the fine motor skills. The most important thing that I had to figure out was if I was going to let my disability control me and be an introvert all of my life or grab the bulls by the horn and live the best life I possibly could. I chose to live the best life I possibly could and in the present can!! That's the wealth of my mental. This transformation didn't happen overnight, honestly I'm still transforming. Anyways...