Since the recent killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery I've had so many emotions going through my body. These emotions are anger, sadness, hatred and joyfulness. I didn't want to write this post immediately because my heart was filled with hatred and anger and the post was just going to be filled with cussing and anger.  I think if I did write that post, I would just be venting and on this blog it's not about venting, it's about inspiration and helping the next youth/adult out. These two young men are recent victims of  police injustice but these voices will Not be silent and the world will HEAR MY VOICE.

Some of these cops that are murdering our black brothers and sisters in these streets, I truly believe that they are extremists but they just focus on black people and people of other minorities. They don't blow up buildings, they just kill innocent black people and other minorities. I'm pretty sure that they have their own code that they live by, outside of the police force. I hope Some of these corrupt officials don't have any children and if they do, I hope they aren't brainwashing their children to think like them (their racist and inhumane fathers). At the same time, if their fathers do brainwash their children with this racist BULLSHIT, one of the children might rebel. Maybe they don't want to turn out racist and be a murderer like their fathers and/or siblings. Also, lets talk about if we ( black people)  harass and brutalize or even murder the cops families who murder our dearest loved ones!!

I'm not saying that we will do these actions, I'm not saying that I will do these actions either. I am  saying that what IF we do these actions. I know the answer to this question but my point is that it's not going to be fair. People say life isn't fair but these are our dearest loved ones that are being harassed and half of the time they are being murdered and killed in the streets. If we as black people do enter or break and enter the cops families homes and harass and maybe even murder the cops families, we are going to be hung in front of the public without question. Currently, there is rioting and vandalism due to the lack or no justice in America but Some cops still want to harass, shoot and kill our dearest loved ones. Shit is BULLSHIT!!

I believe in second chances and in the redemption process but I don't know if I want to let these certain few cops walk free roaming around the street. These are our dearest loved ones and Some cops think it's in their best interest to kill our people. I am a peaceful guy but shit, if I was the executioner, I would exile them in a far away place, like a remote island with no civilization in sight. If we don't see justice in the near future, I truly believe that it will be another Bloody Sunday incident. 

But with all of this being said, there is still HOPE and RECONSTRUCTION in our lifetime. My recent post about HOPE and RECONSTRUCTION deals what's going right now in America too!! There is so much needed work to be done to get justice. I think the first step is to look deep within ourselves and ask the question, do we want to bring our next generation into this madness? I don't know what the next steps are after that, maybe we need to pick good and uncorrupt officials or/and we need to select another President to lead us. I  just know that there is still HOPE and RECONSTUCTION for this country. WE NEED TO BELIEVE THAT WE WILL PREVAIL!! WE WILL RECONSTRUCT  HOW OUR RELATIONSHIPS WILL BE IN THE PRESENT AND IN THE FUTURE AMONGST PEOPLE OF COLOR. My long term goal is to seek HOPE and RECONSTRUCTION, what is your long term goal?


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