
Showing posts from 2020

It's ok to let it out

I wanted to do this for along time and I finally did it!! I WENT TO THERAPY . The sessions are phone calls because of the whole pandemic situation. I just pictured myself sitting on a couch talking about what I was/I am still dealing with but I guess phone conversations are the next best thing. I'm not going into detail what the therapist and I discuss but every time that we talk, in the midst of our conversations I feel tranquility flowing through my body. I know I had to get help because I invested my tine into my poetry, t-shirts and everything else that I'm passionate about but I haven't invested into my mental wealth. I had two sessions already and I will continue to have the sessions regardless if I resolved my issues or not.  I love my parents and I tell them a lot but this particular activity I wanted to keep it private because I guess sometimes its easier to tell people your shit that's not part of your family. If You think about going to therapy, DO IT!!!!! ...

Never Give Up

Throughout my blog, I've been emphasizing Never Give Up!! Y ou can associate the phrase Never Give Up with basically anything. For anyone who has read my previous posts, you know how the phrase Never Give Up has been instrumental in my life and will be for the rest of my life. For the last two months, my dad and I have been working out together with a personal trainer. Man, our personal trainer is no joke!! He works us to death but he is patient with us, especially me, that is what I like about him. Plus, since my dad and I work out together it's a special bonding time between us. Also, I would like to point out two Black men are working together , a father and son doing their Damn thing. Instead of Black Boy Joy in this case, it would be Black Men Joy. Never Give Up on any circumstance because You might know who you are helping, it might be yourself, someone else or both yourself and that certain individual. The bonding time that my dad share might happen to You and tha...


Since the recent killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery I've had so many emotions going through my body. These emotions are anger, sadness, hatred and joyfulness. I didn't want to write this post immediately because my heart was filled with hatred and anger and the post was just going to be filled with cussing and anger.  I think if I did write that post, I would just be venting and on this blog it's not about venting, it's about inspiration and helping the next youth/adult out. These two young men are recent victims of  police injustice but these voices will Not be silent and the world will HEAR MY VOICE. Some of these cops that are murdering our black brothers and sisters in these streets, I truly believe that they are extremists but they just focus on black people and people of other minorities. They don't blow up buildings, they just kill innocent black people and other minorities. I'm pretty sure that they have their own code that they live by, outsid...

Love & Respect

In most cases sincerely comes at the end of a letter or card but lately I've been ending my letters and having my cards say Love and Respect. There are three reasons why I choose to do this, 1) it's different than the regular formal word sincerely and 2) I really do Love and Respect the people that I send cards and letters to and 3)  lately, the world is so filled with darkness and just maybe two word will bring light into the darkness. This is what I do, You don't have to do the same thing. If You want to do the same thing, Great!!  I'm going to break down Love and Respect down for you guys because I truly believe that these two words are very essential for our daily lives. I Love all people even if they don't Love me back because they can turn hate into Love in an instant, just maybe. Love is also about human connection and I just want You to be on this earth with me. Without that connection, it will just be humans roaming around being silent. I don...

Hope and Reconstruction

Since the Corona Virus happened, the world has been upside down, meaning that the world is in a confusing state right now. Maybe the world has been confused for along time but we are just realizing it now. People have to stay at home unless it is essential to go out. For example, I have to go out because I still work which I'm truly grateful and thankful for. Days are getting scary but there is a brighter side and the brighter side is Hope and Reconstruction.  I truly believe that we need to hold on to Hope and continue to hold on to Hope long after this crisis ends. Hope can't be seen, it only can be envisioned. I believe Hope and Faith are similar because they both can't be seen, they only can be envisioned. A lot of people are laid off due to this virus. People need to pay their rent and mortgage and feed their families. I know people can file for unemployment but when that unemployment runs out, what will people do? Hopefully, the virus will suddenly die and peo...

Who will come to your funeral?

This topic has been heavy on my heart lately especially since this Corona Virus outbreak happened. I know everybody does fucked up shit sometimes, including myself. After that fucked up shit that we do or did, can we let bygones be bygones? I don't know but sometimes we as human beings say or do things that cut so deep that we can't take them back. Other times, we can have resolutions on the actions we act upon or things we do say. When people end their time on earth, will other people attend the funeral?  Some people want to do other means than a funeral service. The same question remains regardless of the type of compacity, will you go to that person's funeral or/and will you remember that individual(s) legacy when their time has ended on earth?   The Corona Virus has made people go into a state of fright and alarm. The world should be alarmed but not too alarmed because people will get paranoid and then get sick. It's funny, when disasters strike or when a pandemic...

The Will to Fight

A few weeks ago, I was watching Real Steel starring Hugh Jackman and Anthony Mackie.  I didn't watch the entire movie but I did watch enough of the movie to find a message in it. Maybe the movie wasn't supposed to have a message but there was a message in Real Steel   if You wanted to search for it or not. I think the message in Real Steel in my opinion is to FIGHT UNTIL THE END. Even though, Hugh Jackman and his kid were using a robot to fight in prize fights, outside of those fights Hugh Jackman had The Will to Fight for his life and for his kid. At the end of the movie, Hugh Jackman won Everything regarding his life and having his kid back in his life.  I know people have up's and downs in life but if You have The Will to Fight, You will make it in life. If You didn't find it yet, search for The Will to Fight. You can Fight for anything or/and You can Fight for someone.

Follow Your Passion

Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Passion!! People might not like Your passion or they might not understand Your passion but Continue to Follow Your Passion because life is too short to not do what You want to do!! People might have multiple passions in life. It's no limit to how many passions people can have. I have more than one passion such as poetry and motivational speaking. I Love to inspire people   so that's why I like poetry and motivational speaking so much. Like I said I like poetry and even though I'm not an expert in poetry,  I will Continue to follow my passion . I will also be Myself through my poetic journey. I will Continue to Learn and Develop my poetry while I experience life . You may have one passion or You may have multiple passions but whatever You do, Follow Your Passion, explore your passion and Be the Passion!!

Two definitions of Success

I would say a lot of people have their own definitions of success but I have two separate definitions of success. The first one is monetary (money) success and I try not to dwell on this definition of success too much because I don't want money to control me. I like money, don't get me wrong but money doesn't solve ALL problems, money solves SOME problems . T he second definition of success is a success that can't be bought. This success comes from within us. This success is having the confidence to become who You are regardless of what people might do or say. This definition of success is heavy on my heart because while I was growing up I lacked the confidence and over the years I Learned how to develop my confidence and a HUGE part of me developing my confidence is of God's doing .  Success doesn't come easy and it d oesn't come overnight either.  You have to work at it everyday. Find Your own definition(s) of success and become who You are meant to...