Power is a vital quality a person or a group of people can have and there is positive and negative power in my opinion. An example of negative power is what Adolf Hitler did to the Jews during the Holocaust. I read an article in Esquire Magazine and the article was about all of the women who were sexually abused and this was during the Me Too Movement. The article also mentioned that men who did these injustices towards these women have power among the victims and the victims are in fear because of the men's social statuses. The women (victims) think nobody will believe them that these men did these injustices because of their high societal ranking. I think power can deal with a significant amount of fear too and this would also fall into a category of negative power. An example of positive power would be organizations such as Catholic Charities and Boys & Girls Club of America that help individuals, families and children get the necessities out of life.
I saw the Avengers: Infinity War today and I'm going to try not spoil the entire movie for you guys but I'm going to tell you guys the interpretation at the end of the movie in my opinion. Thanos played by Josh Brolin had all of the power in the world, lost the love of his life but still had all of the power in the world. Thanos controlled the world around him but with all of that power, was it worth it to be alone? With all of that power, he is alone and probably miserable without the love of his life so was being in control of this world worth it even though he doesn't have anybody to share it with? I don't think so if you ask me because If I had power or a significant amount of control, I would want to share it with somebody. The type of power I would like to possess is positive power because I would want everybody to be free and equal in my land.
In the movie, The Bucket List, Jack Nicholson was crying in his glass mansion. He was crying because even though he controlled millions of money, he missed his best friend which was Morgan Freeman. This is my interpretation of the scene in this movie. What kind of power do you want to posses? Do you want to corrupt the world or heal the world? I'm going to go the positive route and Not the negative route, which route are You going on?
I saw the Avengers: Infinity War today and I'm going to try not spoil the entire movie for you guys but I'm going to tell you guys the interpretation at the end of the movie in my opinion. Thanos played by Josh Brolin had all of the power in the world, lost the love of his life but still had all of the power in the world. Thanos controlled the world around him but with all of that power, was it worth it to be alone? With all of that power, he is alone and probably miserable without the love of his life so was being in control of this world worth it even though he doesn't have anybody to share it with? I don't think so if you ask me because If I had power or a significant amount of control, I would want to share it with somebody. The type of power I would like to possess is positive power because I would want everybody to be free and equal in my land.
In the movie, The Bucket List, Jack Nicholson was crying in his glass mansion. He was crying because even though he controlled millions of money, he missed his best friend which was Morgan Freeman. This is my interpretation of the scene in this movie. What kind of power do you want to posses? Do you want to corrupt the world or heal the world? I'm going to go the positive route and Not the negative route, which route are You going on?
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