Drake ft Popcaan- Please Forgive Me

When I watched this short film by Drake, I was highly impressed. If you haven't viewed the film, I have the link below. There are three parts of the film that I want to discuss with you guys. The first part I want to discuss with you guys is when Drake was at the diner and drinking coffee by himself thinking about life. This part  correlates to the part when he got into a car after a show in the beginning and he looked like he wasn't satisfied. I feel like he wants something more, other than money and fame. So I guess the definition of a "celebrity" is not what it seems. The saying is true then, that money can't buy you happiness. The next part is when he had those visions of those people disappearing and when the lady was crying. When people were disappearing that might've been  people in his life that died in the past or Drake had to cut them out of his life for good. For that lady who was crying, maybe that was a sign that everybody goes through something, everybody's situation is different but we Can also be empathetic to someone's situation.  I truly believe that God has a plan for all of us. Through our trials and tribulations, He is working in our lives and our situations are going to improve. The last part is when he was with his friends in the car, they had a little bit of conversation but it got silent for a long time and Drake was looking sad and vulnerable. He had his friends with him of course but it was something missing, a part of him was missing. This is my opinion and I was so inspired by this short film. Inspiration can come from many angles and directions. Never lose that inspiration, develop your creativity on a daily basis because you don't know where that inspiration will lead you.



  1. "Inspiration can come from many angles and directions. Never lose that inspiration, develop your creativity on a daily basis because you don't know where that inspiration will lead you."

    I needed this, thanks. I happened to fall on your page randomly by clicking next blog & basically found a reminder that was personal needed & wanted to share =)

  2. Thanks so much for stumbling across my blog. I'm really glad that I can inspire and encourage you. Thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it.

    1. please stumble across my blog again. And also, if you like what you read, please donate some coins


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