Mega Churches
I haven't been to a mega church and I don't mean any disrespect to any ministers who have mega churches but I don't understand how ministers who have mega churches may not know all of their congregation. Some ministers who have mega churches may know all of their congregation and I applaud them for getting to know their own congregation. I have always wondered about this. If I was a minister who had a mega church I would really try my best to know everybody in my congregation. The key word is try because ministers who have mega churches may try their very best to accommodate everybody but I 'm not sure, it's one of the questions that will puzzle me until I visit one and see how the minister will interact with his or her congregation. Back home, I go to a non- denominational church and even though we don't have a big congregation, my pastor's sermons are always on point. I would appreciate an always on point sermon over filled seats. One members of my church was speaking about this and she said " I would take Quality over Quantity. What I'm saying is to choose Quality over Quantity about anything, not just about ministers having mega churches. Just explore whatever the situation you are in and see if that situation is right for you. Don't choose the situation for the wrong reasons.
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