
Showing posts from August, 2016

Champions-The Song

This song came out close to Game 7 against Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors. Even though this song was made because of the championship, I thought this song was so inspiring. When Kayne West said he got out of debt, that was so great to me because he wasn't complaining about it, he did something about it. I don't know personally how his process was but the point is that he got out of it. He didn't want his insecurities hinder his happiness and his insecurity was that debt. He wanted to get to that happiness so he eliminated that debt. We should eliminate those insecurities or obstacles as effectively as possible. I told you that I've been depressed about this girl who did me so wrong and the situation that took place was an insecurity that had me down and out and most importantly that led me far away from that happiness portion. By saying that you need to weed out the negative energy out of your life like Big Sean said. It is...


This is the age where technology is taking over very rapidly. People are on their smartphones, Ipads and any other electronic device 24/7 and we as Americans shouldn't dive our faces into our screens, we should take a breather and communicate with our friends and family (face to face). I'll be honest with you guys, I'm so guilty of this but as I speak I'm going to try to limit my technology. I'm not saying I'm going to throw away technology all together but I am going to try to limit my interaction on my phone such as looking on my social media accounts.  This past semester in school I took a class called Mindful Communication and one section we learned in class is called FOMO ( Fear of Missing Out). We constantly want to be involved what the other person posts or shares and this not a bad thing but the time spending on technology needs to be monitored. One day I was riding in my friend's sister's car and I forgot my cell phone and I couldn't get i...

Suicide Squad

The movie was action packed from the beginning to the end. I loved it so much!! I'm not going to spoil the entire movie just in case some people haven't seen it yet but there was a scene that really inspired me. The scene that inspired me was when the whole squad was at the bar being mad at the boss's assistant because he didn't tell them some vital information but anyways they forgave him and the way the squad walked out of the bar together was very inspirational to me. The way which they walked out together was very confident and united and that is the way the United States should conduct themselves with their allies and enemies. I am not talking about war which is depicted in the film, I'm talking about having peaceful solutions. Another inspiration that struck my heart was just how the squad got along and how they were so empathic about one another's story. People commit crimes every day, some people commit more than others but the point ...


Life is what you make it. I get down and out because of some situations in life but I know God has me and I will be victorious in all things. I also love inspiration. I love people who inspire me and I love to inspire other people. When this inspiration happens, it's a non stop cycle of inspiring and I love it so much. My former college I went to, Mercyhurst University slogan is carpe diem which means seize the day. Seizing the day is so essential if we want to fulfill an accomplish or meet a goal. Connecting and networking with people is also so essential in life because these networks will hopefully develop into long lasting friendships and partnerships. Last night I watched this film entitled Demolition and it was a very good film. The main character, Jake Gyllenhaal found a boy that eventually became his best friend. Life is very precious, take it day by day and you never know who you are going to meet along your journey.

Andra Day- Rise Up

When I first heard this song I was so inspired. I didn't know who the artist was so my niece shazamed it and I haven't heard Andra Day's music before. I will continue to listen to her because I bet many of her songs are very inspirational just like Rise Up . The message I got from this was to Rise Up  in the midst of your shortcomings. Never Give Up and don't let your insecurities hinder your happiness because you will never know what will come of anything if you take the easy way out. Life is hard but we must not let life drown us in it's despair. Life isn't always hard, it's fun and enjoyable most of the time. We have to Rise Up and conquer every obstacle that is put in our way. God molded us to be eagles and doves soaring through the skies without any limitations and we should act upon that mindset.

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery isn't anything new, some people get it all of the time. I was recently scrolling down my Instagram feed and I saw a post that somebody wrote about her plastic surgery. She was real confident about how she looked and I applaud that certain individual because she is embracing her new look. I'm not saying her old look was bad, I don't even know what she looked liked before the surgery but I'm not going to judge her or anybody else on this topic. I think people judge too quickly on other people's actions instead of their own. This doesn't have to be solely on plastic surgery, it can be on anything. I'm pretty sure that some people who got or is getting plastic surgery is already beautiful to begin with. At the same time, I don't know what people's pasts were to make a decision to have plastic surgery but I'm still going to love and respect them as human beings because that is what we are supposed to do. The bottom line I guess is, peo...