Graduation weekend

Yes it's true, I'm graduating from Mercyhurst University with a Bachelor's degree in General Studies. God has blessed me tremendously and He will continue to bless me in the future. I'm so grateful and humbled at the same time. I've weathered the storm of adversity and I will continue to weather many storms as time goes on. The key is to have faith and let God guide you in the direction that He wants you to pursue, not the other way around.  People will try to steal your joy each and everyday but be consistent with the Lord Jesus Christ and you will never fail and that is a promise. I know some of you guys reading this may not believe in God but this is my perspective and He has contributed to my success and accomplishments and He will continue to be an integral part of my life. For those people who don't believe, you can just read this respectfully and go about your business. Another part of me graduating this weekend is that I have a disability and I am going to graduate from a university. A lot of people who have disabilities can't say this. I'm not saying that all people who have disabilities don't go to college or graduate from universities because some do. I know somebody who has a disability that tried to enter college but he got rejected because the way that his thought process is, in other words, he was lacking cognitive development. I'm not saying people who have disabilities should give up on their college experience ( if their dreams are to further their education). For those who do want to further their education, it is totally possible. You just have to have a positive mind going in and have positive people in your corner that wants to see you succeed. There will be stumbling blocks that you will have to encounter but stay the course and remind yourself that you want to better yourself while doing this and you will succeed. Look at the big picture and Never Give Up on your dreams. Continue to grow and prosper.


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