Being Sociable

Everybody in life  wants to be included whether it's at school or out in the real world.  I know I wanted to be included when I was growing up. I learned a lot while I was growing up and what I learned was that being not included feels that you are not appreciated. During my high school years, I saw this kid named Ben who was sitting by himself eating his lunch and I decided to sit with him. I knew how that felt. The conversation started off rocky because he really was just having little dialogue with me. When I kept sitting with him, then he started having more dialogue with me. I guess he wanted to feel me out first. I know everybody wants to be included but the thing is to decide if that inclusion is involved with negativity or positivity. For example, if you are hanging out with gang members who commit heinous acts, you want to be included but you are doing it in a negative way. I'm in college now and college is supposed to help you in regards of socializing with people, besides the major reason which is getting an education. I would say that I'm pretty socialable at college but I know of an individual who isn't socialable at all. I'm not revealing his name due to respect. College is very different from high school and college students are expected to be socialable with their peers, especially since there are clubs and activities on campus. I've tried to get him outside of his comfort zone a few times. One time I asked him to go to CVS with me and he came. But other times I wanted him to go to some activities with me on and off campus but he always said no thanks. The point I'm trying to get at is if you see somebody sitting by themselves or just being an outcast from the group, be a friend to them and you don't know what that outcome will be. That individual might be so interesting, you become friends.


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