Belief stories
I follow Oprah Winfrey on Twitter and I saw these belief stories that she was telling her fans. I just loved these stories and I felt so inspired and I just had to write about them. I really like the first and third story. The first story is about her not knowing her father, she just knew that the pastor from her church was always talking about how God can be a father. What Ms. Winfrey said stood out to me because the Bible says God can be a father, mother and a widower to anybody. God can be your refuge at the most vulnerable time in your life. I found God in the most vulnerable time in my life and I'm so grateful and blessed for that. The third story really spoke to me because Ms. Winfrey said " my heart desire is to want to live and be in this body fully present to everything, to all beings and all things." I really like what she said because we have to be present in life in order to grasp these opportunities in this lifetime. We have to got out of our comfort zones. For example, when I went to England with People to People Student Ambassadors we went to this castle and everybody was scaling down the castle. Everybody wanted me to do it, I was hesitant at first but eventually I did it and at the end it felt so great. The end result is that I got out my comfort zone and life is really about living life to the fullest an grasping opportunities in this lifetime. I think my generation needs to grasp this concept because I truly believe that my peers just want opportunities to fall in their laps but obviously it doesn't work like that that at all. I'll admit that I fall into this category sometimes. We have to make a conscious effort to receive these opportunities. Also, Ms. Winfrey talked about God in this story too. There is a correlation here, Ms. Winfrey surrounds her wisdom and teachings around God; this is an important factor in my life. I truly believe that God created all of us and I can say this because this is truly what I believe. God gives us life each and every day, he makes sure that blood circulates through our veins and arteries. So it does make sense to live life to the fullest and to grasp opportunities in this lifetime.
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