
Showing posts from September, 2015

Being beautiful inward and outward

Being beautiful inward and outward doesn't only mean being beautiful on the outside. Some girls and guys have a beautiful exterior but their interior needs cleansing. In other words, people can be beautiful outside, their physical features can be great and on point  but they have a rotten and sour personality. I'm not saying all people are like this.   I also believe that people can change their ways. They can turn over a new leaf and become beautiful inward and outward. Also, being beautiful inward and outward is about having good self esteem and looking at yourself and others in a positive light. I was this type of individual but later on in life I gained some perspective in life and I turned a negative situation into a positive situation. Everybody should be and feel beautiful inward and outward. Sometimes I scroll down my Twitter feed and I see negative tweets and those aren't needed in life. Life shouldn't be filled with negative thought...

Cultural Diversity

I went to an event tonight on campus that celebrated cultural diversity. We have a good amount of international students and tonight students from Saudi Arabia orchestrated this event. They did various dances that originated from Saudi Arabia. Somebody told me that every state in Saudi Arabia have their specific dances. I thought that was really cool!! We ate food from the country and it was so delicious!!! The food was different but still good. While people ate, they played a PowerPoint about Saudi Arabia. I'm glad that I came because I really enjoyed myself. I wish more people participated in this event because this was such a positive and energetic event. I'm definitely going to more events like this in the future.


Lately, I've been hearing rappers rap about being young Gods/Gods. I really don't know how to feel about this but I know the Bible says humble yourself. I know rappers want to be confident but the bottom line is to humble yourselves. I really like Hip Hop and Rap and various artists in those genres and they talk about being young Gods but after I hear their music I really think about this. I'm not saying all rappers and Hip Hop artists talk about this but this issue is picking my brain. God wants us to follow his will and do the work of his ministry on this earth, I completely understand this but I don't think God meant for making people feel like they are superior or on the same level as God. The first commandment says we shouldn't have any other Gods before Me ( God) so if rappers and Hip Hop artists are claiming that they are young Gods/Gods, they are lying to themselves. I'm not trying to start beef with any ...

Derrick Rose's comeback

I was watching Derrick's Rose comeback documentary on the wealthy gorilla website and what I took out of the documentary is to never give up and to not let your insecurities hinder your happiness. Mr. Rose is not letting this injury deter him from accomplishing his goal which is to return to the NBA and win a championship for his team and especially for his city. If people don't know about his injury, he tore his acl  and he was out of play for one year. A lot of people say their done after an injury but not Mr. Rose, he is constantly working to get better. He came from humble beginnings and he just wanted to provide for his family. Playing basketball was his outlet from everything that he was encountering on a daily basis. Mr. Rose said " He would die on the court." By saying this, he is so loyal to his basketball career. I would say that me and Mr. Rose are on the same level regarding this situation. I don't want a basketball career but I can relate to Mr. Rose...

Belief stories

I follow Oprah Winfrey on Twitter and I saw these belief stories that she was telling her fans. I just loved these stories and I felt so inspired and I just had to write about them. I really like the first and third story. The first story is about her not knowing her father, she just knew that the pastor from her church was always talking about how God can be a father. What Ms. Winfrey said stood out to me because the Bible says God can be a father, mother and a widower to anybody. God can be your refuge at the most vulnerable time in your life. I found God in the most vulnerable time in my life and I'm so grateful and blessed for that. The third story really spoke to me because Ms. Winfrey said " my heart desire is to want to live and be in this body fully present to everything, to all beings and all things." I really like what she said because we have to be present in life in order to grasp these opportunities in this lifetime. We have to g...

Embrace your culture

This past weekend I was watching a documentary entitled Hidden Colors and it's about how Europeans covered up most African American culture. Influential ladies and gentlemen were talking about the African American culture from the beginning. I learned a lot and it was so much information. It was so informative and a very well made documentary. As I was watching this documentary, I was thinking that everybody should embrace one's culture. A culture might not have the brightest past but the future is always evolving so the bottom line is to embrace one's culture. For example, the Jewish culture is associated with the Holocaust and obviously they are not proud of that but the future should be the focus, not the past. We can always look at the past as a reminder that we have came from along way from where we were but we shouldn't dwell on the past. We also shouldn't disrespect any culture because every culture has their own traditions different than yours....


We are all  storytellers in one way or another. We all have something to tell the world but a lot of people don't have the resources or the correct outlets to expose their story to others. My generation, especially have a lot of stories to tell but it's so hard for our generation to express ourselves and tell our stories within our society. It's getting better but we still  along way to to go in order to share our stories. During my high school years, I wrote two articles about me having Joubert Syndrome. One was in a magazine article and the other was an article in a newspaper. I wrote these two articles because I wanted to inform people about Joubert Syndrome so they can understand the disorder a little bit. I turned a negative situation in a positive situation so I want you guys to do the same. Stories can keep unfolding as days begin and end so tell your story to someone, you never know who is interested. Share your story so you can ...


I make mistakes, you make mistakes but  it's so important that we see our mistakes and correct them immediately. If you made mistake(s) toward a person(s), say sorry to them even if its intentional or attentional. I made a lot of mistakes in my life and I'm sure I'm going to make a lot of mistakes in the future. Whether those mistakes are forgiven or not, we must confess our mistakes so we can clear our consciousness, to become a better person inward and outward. Like I said in a previous post, my definition of being a true character is when somebody admits their mistakes regardless of what the outcome brings. The outcome could be hate or love but the bottom line is to clear your conscious to release those scars so you can continue to grow.  

The past and the future

Everybody has a past, some people's past might be grayer than others but it's so important that we don't judge. We don't wear all the same shoes so we don't know what people are going through. For example, when somebody enters someone's family for the first time, don't talk about them or judge him/her. Maybe she/he looks unkempt but that doesn't mean that you judge or be so critical of them. You don't know what that particular individual is going through or just went through. A perfect example of this is in the Pursuit of Happyness  when Will Smith's character was late to an interview wearing some old raggedy clothes that was covered in paint. Even though he explained himself, this is a good example of what I'm talking about. It's not the exact situation but its similar. It's not about where people came from, it's about where people are going. I'm not saying that where people came from isn't important because it is. Most p...

Invisible Thread

I just loved their performance tonight, it was very incredible. I saw the duo's performance tonight at my school in one of the performing arts center. The back story of these two was that one of the guy's out of the duo,  Griffin Matthews went to Uganda to volunteer and he met some kids and he asked them what they wanted to do or learn. They told him that they wanted a education. After his visit to Uganda, he wanted to help out those kids so he threw some fundraising parties back in New York. He and his friends gave those kids the opportunity to go to universities, this is so amazing!! I was so inspired by their story. I actually wanted to cry but I was surrounded by my peers so I didn't want to embarrass myself. It's so great that they can tell their story through music and story telling, I can't say it enough, their performance was so tremendous. The duo, Matt Gould and Griffin Matthew's mission is to empo...

Accomplish your goals

I had an IEP throughout my school years. I had an IEP for math and also because I took longer than other students on assignments. I could have extra time on my assignments and tests so that was really good. I had to take remedial classes because I was a slower learner than everybody else in my class. At first, I was kind of confused, I was wondering why I had to go to a smaller classroom away from my classmates. I didn't want to admit that I was a slower learner than my other classmates. I just wanted to be on the same level.  Now my cousin has an IEP and is thinking negatively about it. The advice that I can give him and to anybody who else is going through the same or similar situation is that even though you might have an IEP or enrolled in remedial classes, don't let your insecurities hinder your happiness. In other words, don't let obstacles or fears in your life deter you from achieving your goals or ambitions. We can be anybody who we want to be. Don't let naysay...

If I didn't have Joubert Syndrome

If I didn't have Joubert Syndrome, I don't think a lot would change. My head wouldn't shake obviously but I think I would still have the same personality. If people don't know me, I'm a shy, quiet and very closed person. What I mean by that is I keep to myself.  I kept to myself before I made my film. I'm trying to open up, have conversations with people. Its getting easier and easier everyday. Anyways, I'm going to be me other than the fact that my head won't shake. This is the only difference. I've been through a lot and true character really speaks to me. I value respect so much. Everybody has their own definition of true character but I have my own. My definition of true character is an honest and respectful individual who takes responsibility of their own actions. Also, a true character is an individual who risks their own life for another. The task doesn't have to be big, it can be a simple conversation with somebody who's having a bad ...

Start living your life to the fullest

We all have high's and low's in life, we have bills and so many other issues. We must not give up hope or feel so many  pressures of this world. There are also great things about life. For example, falling in love, starting a family, waking up each and everyday and accomplishing goals that you didn't think you were going to accomplish. The bottom line is that life is beautiful and we should start living life to the fullest. Love like you haven't loved before, pour your heart out to people who you love and be happy everyday because life is literally too short but not too short to start living life to the fullest.

Good conscious regardless of the outcome

I have a good conscious and I'm grateful that God gave one to me. I make mistakes and  I admit that. For example, I made a mistake toward this girl last week and being the young man, I took responsibility for that. I'm not tooting my own horn, either. The young lady actually took it very well. She accepted my apology. Everybody makes mistakes, it happens but the mature thing to do is to take responsibility for your actions and apologize regardless if she/he responds negatively. The only thing that matters is that you apologize. Free your conscious and release those burdens.