Embrace your Craft/Art

Before I was involved in Young Audiences, currently called Center for Arts-Inspired Learning I wasn't really interested in the arts. After I became involved in this arts program, I became really appreciative what the arts does for people. Everybody has their own individual art form, they may be painters, rappers, anybody who is in the film industry or anybody who is pursuing their dreams in the way that benefits themselves or/and others. Rappers rap what they want to rap about and there is no problem with that. People might not like some rappers because they use explicit language and refer to women as inappropriate persons. But what people need to understand is that at the end of the day, that is an art form and those rappers can express themselves as freely as they want to. You know how the old saying goes: You might not like them but you have to respect them. Same goes for rappers or for anybody who's pursuing their own individual art form, you might like that art form but you have to respect it. Embrace your art form or/and craft regardless if people don't like it because it is your own individual sense of expression and creativity. People need to step out of their comfort zones to develop that expression and creativity. Art can create, inspire and motivate.   


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