Appreciate the little so you can appreciate the BIG
During the span of the election, I was canvassing. If people don't know what canvassing is , it's just knocking on people's doors and for this particular canvassing it was for the past election. But in the midst of the canvassing, I got four dollars more on my paycheck than the previous paycheck and I was grateful. Other people might say it's just four dollars, but my employer didn't have to do that. That gesture was little but I was very grateful for that increase, how big or small it was. I would say I was always a grateful Indvidual but now since I'm older and gained a bit more wiser, I would say that I cherish the things that make me whole that aren't always monetary. Also, I got a bonus of twenty five dollars after the job was over. I was jokingly asking for a bonus; I didn't expect to receive a bonus. This made me think of another thought and the thought is being humble. You never know what being humble and appreciative will get you. I'm n...