Self Love
I think self-love has a lot to do with the confidence level you are currently facing. Self-love is a journey, like many other things are but how do You reach that self-love? I don't know the solution, maybe there are several solutions. Well, one of my earlier posts when I said I was dealing with some struggles growing up, I asked God why he gave me Joubert Syndrome, why did He give me this disorder? During my struggles, I didn't treat myself right. I didn't have a positive mindset which made me have a low self-esteem/confidence which led me to question God. I didn't know the definition of self-love was and back in the day, I don't think the word self-love existed. Maybe the word did exist but the society that we live in wasn't concern for this word until a few years ago. When I fully accepted my disability, and when I didn't give a SHIT what people thought about me, I developed a sense of self-love. Discover and develop your own sense of self-love beca...