Black Excellence, Empowerment & Leadership

This past week I went to a sports marketing workshop called the Marcus Graham Projec t. The workshop creates a voice to African Americans in the marketing field. There were a few Caucasians in the workshop but after the workshop ended, it seemed like they got a little glimpse of what BLACK EXCELLENCE looks like. There were so many young African American professionals at the workshop and I felt so EMPOWERED & ENLIGHTENED. All of us in the workshop had to break up in teams and we had to develop presentations and we had to find a solution for social unrest through the Cleveland Browns perspective. The workshop was only four days so a lot of us were panicked about the deadline but at the end every presentation was done well. This blog isn't only about me so I uploaded some pics from the workshop. The workshop gave me insight on how marketing, on any level works. Even though I don't have a marketing background I learned a lot and absorbed so much information. I woul...