
Showing posts from May, 2021

Black Excellence, Empowerment & Leadership

This past week I went to a sports marketing workshop called the Marcus Graham Projec t. The workshop creates a voice to African Americans in the marketing field.  There were a few Caucasians in the workshop but after the workshop ended, it seemed like they got a little glimpse of what BLACK EXCELLENCE  looks like. There were so many young African American professionals at the workshop and I felt so EMPOWERED & ENLIGHTENED. All of us in the workshop had to break up in teams and we had to develop presentations and we had to find  a solution for social unrest through the Cleveland Browns perspective. The workshop was only four days so a lot of us were panicked about the deadline but at the end every presentation was done well. This blog isn't only about me so I uploaded some pics from the workshop. The workshop gave me insight on how marketing, on any level works. Even though I don't have a marketing background I learned a lot and absorbed so much information. I woul...

Have A Voice

 You may or may not  have a voice in the beginning of your life. For example, if You are shy and lacking confidence You won't have a voice to stand up for others or most importantly, standing up for yourself. Hopefully, You will in the future. I didn't a voice when I was younger, well at least I didn't know I had a voice until much later in my life.  I didn't advocate for myself until I realized that Joubert Syndrome is part of me which was the end of eleventh and the beginning of my senior year in high school. I would say that having a voice especially having a voice to save others or standing for others comes with a great responsibility and that great responsibility is to uphold what You are saying to the certain audiences. I'm not saying You/We have to be perfect or have a straight edged lifestyle. I think it's very possible that You/We can be unperfect and still have a voice for ourselves and others.   

I Pray

  I pray, I  pray and I pray some more. The reason that I pray is because there are lot of blessings in my life that I'm THANKFUL for God bringing me those blessings and present and future blessings . I also pray because it's HEALING and TRANQUILITY within my body. The HEALING and TRANQUILITY deals with my favorite scripture Philippians 4:13.  If you don't know what I'm talking about search my favorite scripture on this blog and you'll find what I'm talking about. Growing up Presbyterian, I learned how to pray at an early age. I am THANKFUL for my mother bringing me to church at a young age so I can know how to pray. As I got older my prayers got more developed. For example, when I was younger I was praying not in depth but now I pray in depth. Details are so essential in my opinion and the more details that You give God the more TRANQUILITY and HEALING that You receive. I'm not saying that if You don't pray in depth  You won't get TRANQUILITY an...

Invest in any medium of Art

                     The Cleveland artists include James Abrahms the 3rd, Maclin, Trae and Charllen.

You Are Somebody

       For anybody who was told that You weren't enough any stay in your life,  I AM telling You that You are enough!! People might try to tear You down but to tell you the truth, those people are going to be  irrelevant to You years to come. Those bullies can make a negative impact on your life then and now maybe but not in the future hopefully. For me, I doubted myself because of other negative impacts that I had in my life but that was then but in the present and future those negative impacts/bullies are out of my life and when the negative impacts resurface, I don't let them mess with me as much on an emotional and mental level. I will NEVER forget what my dad told me one day when those negative impacts were bothering me and he said You have to ignore ignorance somehow and that stayed with me til this day. Some family members don't support their own family and that is so unfortunate. Some people in your family may be negative impacts but that shouldn't ...

The Next Level and Faith

 I want to evolve everyday but evolving is hard for me but evolving is not impossible. For example, I hosted my very own pop up shop on May 1st. Hosting a pop up shop is different than being a regular vendor. I was a vendor myself but as a host I had to look for vendors and pay for the venue and drinks. The pop up was a success and not only in the monetary definition. Anyways, my point is that what I did was hard but I wanted to aim for More. I wanted to show myself I could do this and plus I wanted to push myself. I just didn't want to only become a vendor which I  want to do as a career but for the long and short term I want to continue to sell my merchandise and also host pop ups. Before May 1st I was worried  because I had to find 10 vendors so I can match the venue price and I also was worrying if people were going to show up but in the midst of that worry, God told me to just calm down and everything will be ok. So I calmed down and everything was great!! In other w...

Wake Up and Shine

 Life is hard especially nowadays But when God gives You an opportunity to wake up in the morning, that's our/your shot to make that day the best day ever or to not slack off on that day. If You want to pursue anything in life, you have to work for it and everyday isn't promised so that day God has granted You to wake up, You/We better not waste the precious time. I'm going to be honest with you guys, if I'm not building my brand up, I watch tv but lately I have watched podcasts on Youtube to get information that I want and need. One particular podcast that I listen to is I AM ATHLETE with Chad Johnson, Brandon Marshall, Fred Taylor and Channing Crowder. They are retired football players who talk about finances, mental health and all or most of the topics that grown BLACK men won't talk about. Also they have special guests as Dwayne Wade, Rick Ross, Cam Newton, Ali Riley and Toni Presseley. They relate the topics to athletes but as every episode goes by, all of the...