
Showing posts from February, 2021


I wrote a poem entitled I AM BLACK and its about me being black in America. I didn't explain a lot in the poem but that is why I'm writing this post, to explain why I entitled the poem I AM BLACK . I'm a black man who lives in America who does fucked up shit but that fucked up shit that I do is supposed to help people and not hinder people. That's the best way for me to explain the contents of the poem.  And I'm proud to black even though the African American community have endured so much.  The t-shirts that I make have the words INSPIRE, EDUCATE, ENCOURAGE on them and lately I added the phrases BLACK LIVES MATTER, WE WON'T BE SILENCED, STAY WOKE and the reason I did this is because I wanted to support the Black Lives Movement. There are so many innocent black men and women who were/are gunned down and even murdered by Some Cowardly cops whose life's are miserable in my opinion. Some of the women and men who are gone but never forgotten are George Fl...