
Showing posts from February, 2020

Follow Your Passion

Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Passion!! People might not like Your passion or they might not understand Your passion but Continue to Follow Your Passion because life is too short to not do what You want to do!! People might have multiple passions in life. It's no limit to how many passions people can have. I have more than one passion such as poetry and motivational speaking. I Love to inspire people   so that's why I like poetry and motivational speaking so much. Like I said I like poetry and even though I'm not an expert in poetry,  I will Continue to follow my passion . I will also be Myself through my poetic journey. I will Continue to Learn and Develop my poetry while I experience life . You may have one passion or You may have multiple passions but whatever You do, Follow Your Passion, explore your passion and Be the Passion!!

Two definitions of Success

I would say a lot of people have their own definitions of success but I have two separate definitions of success. The first one is monetary (money) success and I try not to dwell on this definition of success too much because I don't want money to control me. I like money, don't get me wrong but money doesn't solve ALL problems, money solves SOME problems . T he second definition of success is a success that can't be bought. This success comes from within us. This success is having the confidence to become who You are regardless of what people might do or say. This definition of success is heavy on my heart because while I was growing up I lacked the confidence and over the years I Learned how to develop my confidence and a HUGE part of me developing my confidence is of God's doing .  Success doesn't come easy and it d oesn't come overnight either.  You have to work at it everyday. Find Your own definition(s) of success and become who You are meant to...