
Showing posts from September, 2019


Hierarchy is not the problem but the problem is that some people abuse their power that he or she is given to the fullest extent. These abusive people want to pick on the people who think are weak but they don't know WE ALL ARE STRONG IN OUR INDIVIDUAL WAYS . We have to be STRONG against our enemies because our enemies smell fear. Maybe our enemies are in fear themselves and they try to inflict their fear on us and eventually they want us to be like them. On the other hand, the Bible (whoever believes in the book) says we should pray for our enemies. Everybody needs Love and I understand completely and what if those people who abuse their power need loving themselves. I don't know, it can be a lot of reasons why some people abuse their power more than others. But those people who abuse others can be demoted anytime. A  title is a title and it can be stripped away at anytime. DON'T LET OTHER PEOPLE TRY TO ABUSE YOU IN YOUR SOCIAL OR WORK LIFE BUT AT THE SAME T...


I don't have everything together, yes I'll admit BIG TYME Noldon doesn't have his shit together sometimes and that's ok. When I was growing up I wanted to dream BIG . Being small minded was and it's still not my goal or mission in life. I think BIG TYME , not little tyme. One of Rick Ross's latest songs is called BIG TYME ft. Swizz Beatz and this is how I got the inspiration to write this post. By the way, the song is STRAIGHT FIRE !!!!!  Anyways,  BIG TYME should be a mindset, to do better, think better and be better. This is what I think, You can think for yourself!!!  I don't have ordinary dreams, I have BIG TYME dreams. NO LITTLE TYME SHIT, I don't have time for that!! I don't know what You are going to do but I'm going to dream  BIG TYME dreams forever and then I'm going to turn those BIG TYME dreams into a BIG TYME  reality.


On Easter of last year, my mothers side of family gathered over my grandparents house. Before we ate, we prayed but before we prayed, my grandfather said that Jesus offered HOSPITALITY  to everyone, especially the ones who are less fortunate. My grandfather said next year on Easter, we should bring at least one person who doesn't have anywhere to go.  This weekend I hosted my friend and his fiancĂ©e over to my apartment. In regards to HOSPITALITY , I want to say my saying is WHAT'S MINE IS YOURS. I know it's 2019 and a lot people can't be trusted but that doesn't matter to me. It matters to me but if you need to stay with me, COME ON and GET SOME SLEEP/HANG OUT  or if you need something, I'll give it to you ( within my means & if I have it).  I believe that HOSPITALITY  is what you make it. For example, I don't think  HOSPITALITY is Only about offering your home to someone. It also can mean how you treat people and how you greet others...