Get The Bag
I don't know who coined the term "Get The Bag" but I would like to talk about this term and what it means to me. Some people refer this when people get a bundle of money. My problem with that is some people "Get The Bag" and just keeps it for themselves. I understand that people have to feed their families and make sure they are straight but what about after all of that? I'm not saying that all people are selfish with their money. There are examples of people who "Get The Bag" and after all of that, they give money to charities or they even start their own non profits. One person is Lebron James. Lebron James started his own foundation, the Lebron James Foundation. He also recently opened up a school in his hometown, Akron, Ohio. He did these endeavors because he wants to secure the future for our youth. Another name you might heard of but his name is Sean Combs. He also opened up a school in New York to preserve the future for our youth. He als...