
Showing posts from August, 2015

Letting go

I don't like negativity at all but you have to find some positivity in your situation. Whatever or whoever brought that negativity in your life, you have to block that negativity in your life. At the same time I guess you have to find out why that person or thing is so negative or why that negativity was brought into your life. There is positivity in a lot of things and situations. People just need to find it. For example, if a person acts mean or cruel towards you, find out why they have a grudge against you. If you do anything in your power to change  a negative situation into a positive situation and that person or thing doesn't even try to be positive, just let that person or thing go from your mind and heart. You might still care deeply for that person or thing but you just have to let them go because whatever the situation is, it's unhealthy to keep negative people or things around in your life. If you want negative things or people around in your lif...

When God gives you lemons, you make lemonade

A lot of people say that they don't care what other people say about them but is that really true? I don't really know but I say this a lot but sometimes I do care what other people think of me but I'm really trying to stop that habit because truthfully I just want to know what God thinks of me. The ultimate person that really can  judge us is God himself.  People might think a lot of things  that you do is unorthodox but what truly matters is that you know is pure and from the bottom of your heart. I'm in these situation all of the time but everything that I do is pure and honest. My actions and what I do for people is from an innocent place. This is me and whoever doesn't like it can just deal with it because I'm going to be me until I'm dead and gone. Don't let anybody make you feel insecure or ashamed because of what you do or who you are because those naysayers don't matter at all.  My dad told me this phrase, when God gives you lemons, you m...

Joubert Syndrome Conference 2015

This past summer, I went to my first ever Joubert Syndrome conference in Chicago. I was so excited to be invited and more importantly I spoke at the conference. My friend and I spoke about growing up with Joubert Syndrome, the high's and low's that can be associated with the genetic disorder. After we each spoke, we joined our parents for a Q&A session from the audience. That segment was so good. A lot of people said they were truly inspired  from our presentations and we empowered them. That meant a lot to me, I can't say that for my friend though . After the Q&A session, more people came to me to tell me that they were inspired from my presentation, alone. Overall, the night was a humungous success. The conference was a big eye opener for me, what I mean by this is I always have read articles about people who got diagnosed with Joubert Syndrome who have severe complications but to see them in person with those se...

The stroy never ends

Today I went to the movies with my friend and we saw Paper Towns starring Nat Wolff and Cara Delevinge. One of the many messages I got from this movie was to go outside of your comfort zone and face your fears. One of the messages in my film is don't let your insecurities hinder your happiness and the main character (Nat Wolff) was portraying that. I'm not going to spoil the movie for you guys but the main character  is a introvert individual and Cara Delevinge's character brought that shyness out of the main character. I want to do that with people, I just want to inspire and encourage people to embrace themselves in a positive way. We as people often feel insecure or ashamed of being ourselves but we shouldn't feel that way. I was uncomfortable in my own skin for a long time but I found positive outlets that I could go to so I can establish my positivity identity. I also surrounded myself with positive people, this is so essential. Ano...

Be You!!

Be the most authentic and genuine person you can be because nobody can take that individuality from you. Don't just hang out with the popular kids because you want that exposure. You should make your own popularity from what you do positive in the world. I used to want to hang out with everybody ( not so much popular kids) but I found out that everybody wasn't my friend, they were just people that I used to say hi occasionally. When you get older, you think about your life, putting things in perspective and I stopped doing things that I used to do and stopped hanging out with people that weren't going to achieve what I wanted to achieve. I read an article in Jet and they were featuring Tyrese Gibson and he was talking about what I'm saying now. This article spoke to me because it was very inspirational to me. This article was also very true and people can relate it to their  lives as well. I just want to say just Be You and don't change yours...